The weather forecast for yesterday was really good so we decided on a trip to Dungeness. It was like a July day! Unbelievable, and yet some weather people are predicting possible snow in October! We had a lovely day wandering up and down the beach. There is always something interesting to spot there. Yesterday we found two of these creatures on the sand. (I have never been there when the tide is out and didn't realise there was sand! It went out a really long way and was lovely to walk on. If I hadn't been trying to use my camera and carry another find I will show you in a minute, I would have whipped off my walking boots for a paddle as it would have been perfect) I have not looked up what this is yet but it looks like some kind of shark. It has a lovely spotty pattern so I am guessing it is a leopard shark. (That is what I would call it anyway-or maybe a polka dot shark) I felt the skin, as it was quite freshly dead and didn't smell (there seemed to be a wound on the underside which must have been the cause of death). The skin was rough, like a cats tongue, when stroked towards the head, and smooth on the way away from it.
I have now looked it up-it is a Small-spotted Catshark, or lesser spotted dogfish. It is the originator of the mermaid's purses I have found before. See one here found on Sheppey.
The shadow below is me with a great beach combing find(Andy found it-he is an expert beach comber!) Who doesn't need an iron arrow? I think it is from a weather vane, but whatever it is from I love it!

I love your photos, Sarah. They're always so interesting and the angles you use are imaginative.
I love Dungeness but I fear for it's future. Designer makeovers of the fisherman's huts, constant references in the Sunday papers and I've seen it in two fashion shoots THIS WEEK! Having said that we are hoping to stay here... summer, so we are totally contributing to it's gentrification...if we do you must come down for tea and cake!
Looks good and sleeps eight people-room for two more?! We were just talking about actually staying there for a couple of nights yesterday-that and dreaming about which of the strange houses we would like to buy!
Your Dungeness looks as interesting and inviting as Linda Sue's Dungeness on the edge of the Olympic Peninsula of Washington State. Both have that stretch of sand made for wandering and beach combing. I like that you weren't squeamish about the shark. Wouldn't it be fun to know the story behind the arrow in the sand?
Excellent fish spotting... and the arrow is a find indeed!
What a brilliant post!! Now I want an arrow - it could point the way to my studio. Super photo of the shark - and how brave of you to touch it!
Lovely creature, but how sad to him laying dead on the sand. Love the shadows!!! I've got a mountain of work to do tonight, but still better than doing bits and piecs all weekend ;-)Have a good week!Ros
We think of sharks a large and brutal beasts - but here, they are small and elegant in style, the shame that their lifeless bodies are swimming no more...
With the arrow, the shadow reminds me of Sagittarius, the Archer. The arrow seems like a bow, and you are ready to aim and fire. Neat effect! No one is too old to play at the beach!
i have been away....for a visit to the coastline of mendocino. i am loving your shadow shots and missing the sea all at once!
Hi, Sarah, Thanks for coming by my blog. Interesting fish--I'm impressed that you went home and looked up some info on him ( I always think I am going to do that, but don't get around to it). I love the arrow and shadow on the sand. Have a nice week. Mickie :)
How respectful of you to feel the shark, even though it was dead.
Shadow bold and shadow bright,
Shadow with me day and night,
Shadow taller than a tree,
Tell me what you think of me!
© 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher
Desert shadows & reflections
Desert shadows here and here
A very n ice SSS. Enjoyed visiting and seeing different shadows.
How cool! I had no idea you had sharks over in 'ol Blighty! He looks harmless enough though - lovely post as always!
A summery day... oh, how delicious! I think summer has well left us here in the far north now... LOL! I've never seen anything like that catshark before--what beautiful skin he has. So sorry it was dead...I must go look up more about this creature. Always learn so much visiting you here, Sarah. Wonderful week for shadows too... Happy Days ((HUGS))
The catshark picture was totally fascinating
not to mention the information.
I am trying to rack my brain to remember if I have ever been to Dungeness --I think I might have done ages and ages ago
when we used to go to Kent at the weekends.
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