The sights, sounds and smells in my garden this evening....
A crow cawing on the chimney pot, looking down to find who knows what?
The fennel plant absolutely bursting with seeds. I picked some and crushed them in the pestle and mortar. They smell delicious. Andy is going to use some to make some flat bread this weekend. Yum!
The delicate tentacles of the honeysuckle, and its beautiful scent.
The intricacy of the passion flower. I remember when I first saw one of these and how I couldn't quite believe it could exist. And they-well this type at least-grow so easily-as long as they get some sun. There is a little fly on the flower which I only noticed once the photo was uploaded.
The tiger striped beauty of these garden spiders.
I went out there to check on the progress of the squashes. I am not sure when to take them off the plant-if anyone knows this I would be grateful to know! On all of the whole massive plant, there are only two that are big enough to use. Two is better than none though. I just hope my chamomile survives after being used as a squash bed.

Thanks for the lovely face comments below. I wish you could feel the surface of the paint on top of the oil pastel. It is really velvety.
Wonderful photos Sarah!
These are really gorgeous photos, so artistic. I just stared!
love passion flowers. did you know the leaves are edible too? i like them shredded finely and made into a salad.
and fennel... you have fennel in your garden? so jealous.
Love the textures used on your photos, very artistic
Lovely photos. We had a passion flower in our last garden, but I think it only flowered once
The special effect filters you used really add a fun element to your photos. I really do wish I could enjoy the aromas as well.
Beautiful nature... Sharing a video in Youtube at :
Read also an article about the Li River in
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