As I was looking for something else last night I found a display book with a group of paintings I did 12 years ago. Time goes by so fast. I remember doing these and was glad to find them again as I liked them. Here are three of them-scanned rather than photographed so some of the picture has been lost. They are painted on lovely coloured pastel paper, using school block paints -they will mix nice and thickly and have quite vibrant colours-or at least they used to-I think the quality of school paints has deteriorated a lot in the last ten years.

A wind up boar-once used for a maths lesson on something (can't remember what!) with more wind up toys. A wild thing from the story. A lot of my possesions have, at one time or another, been used in teaching. Mainly in art I suppose, and story telling. I have all the Chinese new year animals as various little toys, collected in a cardboard box which I also found during my clearout. At school I have a basket of nursery rhyme props, a bag containing a selection of about seven frogs from various sources. I have three bear sets, pigs, wolves, goats, model houses and Barbies to bury in the garden for Traction man-and this is only a small selection. I need a massive warehouse to store it all in!

I have just read a craft book that made me laugh out loud quite often. It is not every day you get that with a craft book, so I thought I would share. It is yet another felting book-I have a small collection now. I don't like to directly copy projects in books very often, though sometimes I do, but they always give me ideas and this one is brilliant. It is called
'I Felt Awesome' by
If you are a beginner needle felter it would be great as it goes through the basics well. If you are not a beginner it is still good for its quirky original ideas.
Such cool paintings. I liked the Frank Cooper Oxford marmalade jar too.
Please post more!
Love the first painting. And very apt for me too - I went to my first art class in years today (last once was when I was about 13 I should think!). I'm a bit more than that now...
There needs to be a Sarah museum and a curator to organize and catalog so the world can enjoy your creations.
I bought that book- she lives in seattle- I emailed her and raved- she is utterly cool and don't you just love everything in that book?! Love especially the magnetic balls!
Your wild thang made me laugh- clever you, Ms. Sarah! You are so wise to keep your stuff- it's really good!
I love your paintings - especially the first one. I had a look at the book .... but managed to stop myselk from clicking on the 'buy with one click' button!!
I love these! The effect you've got going here is awesome! Great that you found them!
Oh, this was such fun to see... I do love these, the whimsy of these designs is wonderful! And fun to have a backward glance with you. It makes me wish I'd not been so hard on myself, and didn't toss out some old art. I did... very bad... LOL! Happy Day, Sarah ((HUGS))
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