Friday 23 September 2011

Sunrise Construction

This is the construction site for the shooting events venue in the Olympics. The sunrise makes it all look very dramatic. Ironically, for an event supposed to popularise sport, the site has caused the popular cycle route over the common to be closed until it is finished. Ah well, it looks good in the sun.


xxx said...

lovely captures.

is that a natural sky or are there some contrails?.. those long straight streaks.

Leenie said...

Your photos and the sunrise make the site look very dramatic.

Sarah said...

It is a mixture of natural sky and contrails. There is an airport just over the river so always lots of planes overhead.

Rattling On said...

I have been leaving you comments that just seem to have disappeared. Someone on mine said the same thing was happening with blogger.
So... I LOVED the 40s post and I thought you were actually describing me on the Play Together post!
If this disappears I'll be savage...