Salute to the '40s-an event all about the home front in the second world war. This is the edited version of the 300 or so photos I took yesterday. The costumes of all the participants were so good, and there were so many people dressed up, that often it felt like we had time travelled. We visited the dockyard yesterday as we wanted to go out, but not too far away. We had no idea this event was on. I am so glad we happened upon it.
A little flash of red links most of these photos.

When water supplies were cut off due to bomb damage, mobile laundries came to the rescue.
A 1940's craft group.

This old sea dog's costume is quite timeless I think.

A hangover from this maybe.
I loved these two men with their little leather suitcases.

This was in the hall where we watched an energetic display of the Lindy Hop.

I really want some utilitarian dungarees!
Mrs Wishy-Washy appears again!
This is a vintage stall selling all sorts of things, including pullovers. All the shoppers, at this second, were also vintage! I gave the pullover I chose to the man on the left to hold, while I went to borrow money from Andy. I thought he was the stall holder. No-he was just helping his friend choose a jumper! I wondered why he gave me such a strange look.

What a wonderful event! Thanks so much for taking us along!!
I was just thinking what I was going to say ..... and Paula had already said it!! What a fabulous event - and I loved all the little flashes of red.
I agree totally with the above. Fabulous time travel! Not that we'd want to re-live the war years, but fun to see them come alive. Flashes of red was a clever tie-in.
My favorite--the silk stockings with the seam up the back.
Oh These are Heaven! So nostalgic for times when there was identifiable strife, people holding it together - using everything up, no waste, helping with what ever it was they could help with. Very scary time! I was born after the war but the fashion was still the same as these fashions. we had practice bomb raids in our town- flour sacks dropped from planes, emergency wagons collecting the wounded and dead...I was three years old, I was "wounded" - I believed it wholeheartedly, was carted off to make shift hospital in the basement at our county court house. I had night terrors ever after...and it wasn't even real! Poor England! When I lived there in the 70's there was still evidence of bombs.
Oh Sarah! This is my idea of heaven! I think the 40s are one of my favourite periods for fashion! Thank you so much for posting these terrific photos of your day - it looks so amazing! It's like an episode of "Foyle's War"!
Hi Sarah,
What a fabulous event you happened on. It looks fun. I love your photos, especially with the splash of red running through them. I especially loved your photos from Skye, (I've been catching up). I was telling Mike about them. What a splendid mental image you painted about the sleeping fox too.
Thank you for all your comments about Jewel.
Lovely details throughout.
Oh, what great FUN! I just love seeing all the costumes and details. I especially love the shaping of the ladies long woolen overcoats. A great time for fashion was the 40's and 50's! Thanks for taking us along, Sarah--a real treat to see! :o) Happy Week ((HUGS))
Fantastic. What a lot of effort and energy has gone into this wonderful event, and your pictures are brilliant!
Thanks everyone. It was such a great day! I loved reading your post war memory Linda Sue-I don't remember anything from when I was three-but I don't think anything quite so scary happened!
When the air raid siren went off-a few times during the day-it is such a scary sound and I can only try to imagine how frightening it was.
I sit and watch show after show on WWII! It drives the husband crazy! What I would give to be able to go to something like this! So interesting!
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