Friday, 29 October 2010


A huge wild beast, being lead into the arena by two small beast handlers. Actually, looking at it again, it looks as if they have knives. Can you tell I didn't read the information on this mosaic? Gruesome goings on at the Colisseum, portrayed beautifully.

There were women gladiators, which I didn't know. They were sometimes rich women, but they had to have the permission of their husbands. 'Excuse me dear, but I have a hankering to go and fight a lion at the arena tomorrow night. Is that ok?'
According to some of the books and information I have looked at, sometimes the arena was filled with water so that miniature naval battles could be staged. There are differing reports of how many people the Colisseum could hold-between 45 and 70 thousand.
I wonder how many thousands of tourists visit it each year. We got there early and so it was not too busy. By the time we came out it was though. The weather was really hot and summery.

Outside the building, you can have your photo taken with a gladiator of the modern kind. I just took a photo of them instead. I liked the one wearing socks with his sandals-you may have to enlarge the photo to see that. The SPQR which is on his banner, and which still appears on municipal prpoerty such as drain covers, means 'Senatus Populusque Romanus'-the Senate and the Roman people, and refers to the way the political system worked, with the different responsibilities of the people and the senate for voting on and passing laws.


Lynne said...

What an interesting post. I hadn't realised that there were women gladiators. And filling the arena with water, seems like they went to some lengths for their entertainment. Great photos as always.

Lynne said...

Especially the one of you!

Leenie said...

An amazing place you got to visit! And it looks like the weather was great. And lady gladiators and naval battles was a new one for me. Laughing about the socks with sandals.

Gabbi said...

Beautiful share Sarah! I would so love to visit one day...

Shell said...

To see the coliseum in person must be amazing! I love the picture of you, too.

Anne said...

Hi, Sarah! Love, love, LOVE the aged, antiqued, thoughtful photo of you at the colesium! Wonderful! :-)

Rattling On said...

I had a boyfriend who studied history at Oxford. We went to a toga party once and I wore a yellow sheet with sandals. He had made an authentic costume... with knee socks!

Anonymous said...

Very interesting! It looks like a very neat place! Great pictures!