Sunday, 20 December 2009

Advent Calendar, Shadow Shot Sunday and A Train Journey

Advent calendar door for today...20

We went to see Avenue Q last night. I really enjoyed it. It was sweet and funny and done really well. The actors are the puppeteers. They are acting and running the puppet and you get this joint effect which is really clever. The set was great-a miniature New York apartment block with rooms that opened up and different levels and windows.

Here is my shadow shot for this week-the lighting rig in the theatre. Visit Hey Harriet here for more shadows.
Below are some photos from our journey into town. It was about 3.30 and the sun was setting. The gold of the sun was catching the buildings in the distance and everywhere looked really magical.


BLOGitse said...

Have a great ShadowShotSunday
Happy holidays!


Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Actors come on stage,
lights go up and down, shadows
dance along the walls…

My Shadows

A Wild Thing said...

Thanks for the mini tour and the warm, warm's cold here in Iowa too, so I'll take any glimpse of warmth I can get!!!

Have a wonderful holiday!

Anonymous said...

I like the contrast bewteen the old building and the shadows of the modern lighting.

Crafty Green Poet said...

lovely series of photos...

Golden West said...

Merry Christmas!

Ralph said...

The lights leave a modern and mechanical shadow on the classic detailing of the theater. The train ride seems magical, as you are not a commuter on a crowded train. You instead are being transported to an artistic and fun time at your destination...

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

I love that lighting rig shadow! It looks like it might have been a tough shot to get with very little light to work with!

Gerald (Ackworth born) said...

An interesting set of shots

GalleryJuana said...

Whoa, the sun starts to set early where you are.

Cool stage light shadow.

Deirdra Doan said...

Your trip sounds like great fun..and oh the Snow! Merry Christmas to you too! oxo

Martha Z said...

Nice shadows and an interesting view from the train.

Serendipity said...

Lovely atmospheric shadow shot. I recognise the train route view; nice pinkish shade on Canary Wharf!

Diane AZ said...

I love the intricate details in the shadow shot and all of the city with pretty lighting!

Karen said...

Thanks for the tour! How interesting that shadows become the subject! I'm off to check out more!! :>

snoopydogknits said...

Beautiful colours and I agree, quite magical. It's been another snowy day here in Norfolk, but with stunningly blue skies this morning. Beautiful! Have a great Christmas break. Ros

Rattling On said...

The play sounds perfect for you, the puppets and all. Love the photos of your journey. We've been in all day due to blizzards and closed roads.

jlshall said...

Intriguing shadows. Sounds like an interesting show. I'd love to be seeing a show in London right now!
Happy Holidays,

Beverley Baird said...

Great shots of the city and the shadows!
Happy Holidays!

Hey Harriet said...

Nice shadow shot and I especially enjoyed the photos that followed. Once I recovered from the shock of discovering how early your sun starts setting over there! 3.30? Wow! Have a super week ahead Sarah! I already wished you merry Christmas so I'll not repeat myself. And I'm all Christmassed out after braving the big stores today for last minute shopping. I'm looking forward to the day being over. Bah humbug me ;D

Sam said...

Love your shadow shot!! I've heard avenue Q was a lot of fun too - must go see it if it comes here! Keep warm and have a lovely week!

Candace said...

Wonderful post, Sarah and love those shots of the snow in the city. Avenue Q is a lot of fun! Glad you were able to see it.
Happiest of holidays to you and yours.

Candace x

The Summer Kitchen Girls said...

The play sounds really delightful! Love the shadow that you found as well!
Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Love the city pictures!

Carin said...

Love the shadow of the lighting rig in the theater!

Great shadow shot. Thanks for visiting my site!