Friday, 18 December 2009

Advent Calendar Friday 18th December

Today's photo was taken this morning when I was setting up outside-I just couldn't resist!
Snow falling last night in a very blizzardy way. It looked very bad at midnight.
By this morning though it was not too bad. This is the view walking up the hill to the bus stop. I didn't risk the car though I did go back to school in it tonight to collect my bag of presents!
I was glad we didn't have a snow day in the end as the children enjoyed the snow. We only had just over twenty children in in both sessions (out of the normal fifty) so we had a very relaxed day. We made a tiny snowman with a really big carrot for his nose. We dug the snow, made snowballs and snow angels. This one came out really well considering there was not that much snow. In the afternoon we went for a walk up the hill at the back of the school, danced around a bit, sang here we go round the mulberry bush and then went back for hot chocolate. We went out in the garden for a while and had fun trying to dig up the now frozen snow. Who needs toys when you have snow and some spades? It was a lovely end to the term. I have a day of work to catch up on on Monday and then that is it-holiday time!


Unknown said...

Oh sarah that first picture is amazing...Like silk threads...Looks so beautiful there.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah - love the picture bhind 17!! The other photos are great too - I've never made a snow angel - maybe tomorrow? Have a good weekend, love, Anne
ps - the word verification is myerse - why am I thinking of the Royle Family?!

Yiota said...

children and snow: wonderful combination!
Hope you have a relaxing holiday break. Mine starts on Wednesday. I'm sooooo looking forward to it!

Rattling On said...

It's so cold here the school boiler packed up today, fortunately it was a half-day, but we had to wear coats inside for assembly!
I'm hoping more snow will arrive soon, maybe a white Christmas...

Johnny Nutcase said...

that snow looks wild, cool photo! i'm pretty sure everywhere but here is getting snow!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures of the snow!