Monday, 14 December 2009

Advent Calendar Monday 14th December

Click on the tiny number to open today's door!


Anonymous said...

Malcolm was looking over my houlder when I revealed the photo - we both went ooooh!!

snoopydogknits said...

LOve peeping behind the numbers,; never knowing what I will find there. Great photo. I loved the Christmassy warmth of the colours and the wondering about the picture. Yes, I have snow too! Thanks for the link. Ros

Anairam said...

What a lovely doll and warm flowery lights! PS I ADORE your new header with the snowy bits falling down. Here the weather alternates between uncomfortable heat and a stormy, icy wind (that blew down trees and roofs over the weekend).

Rattling On said...

Great picture and love the snowy blog banner. Those fairy lights are fab- I have loads of sets of lights and use them all the time in different places. I prefer them to lamps sometimes.

Rajesh said...

Very cool

Yiota said...

Love the light and shadows!

A.Smith said...

I want her with her lights and her quizzical look. Lovely.

Unknown said...

I love this! Have a sweet day!

kendalee said...

Awww, isn't she lovely! And so warm and glowy :)

→lisa said...


Anonymous said...

I love the lighting in this picture! Pretty doll!