Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Advent Calendar Wednesday 16th December

Click on the 16 to open the door!

Today was lovely at school. We had our singing to the parents occasion which we have not done before. Usually we get involved in the Key Stage One production as the singers. It is stressful and time consuming as we have to go to another building and it involves toilet trips and lots of waiting around. Our timetable has changed this year so we can no longer do that. We came up with the singing idea quite quickly but it was really good and the children loved it! It was really sweet and went well.

Then, we had snow in the afternoon. It has been freezing all day-it is my turn in the garden this week so I am outside for most of the day. I really love the cold weather, it is so refreshing. I did have to stand under the heater at the door at one point though. This morning we were visited by a mad ginger cat. He is always popping in in the morning but never when the children are there before. He was like a thing posessed, chasing around the garden and then after the blackbirds in Forest School! At one point he jumped over the fence and went bounding across the grass and three of the children ran away! I think it was because he was moving so fast.

The snow turend to rain later on but more is forecast for tomorrow and Friday. We have our class parties tomorrow so hopefully it won't be too heavy!


Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah - sounds as if you are having a wonderful end of term! We got up this morning to a sprinkling of snow - it looks lovely! We're off later this morning to see Stuart, returning tomorrow - it's nice to have a break after all the frantic activity of getting the decorating finished!! Love, Anne

Tracy said...

Hi, Sarah! LOVELY watercolor for today--you've rendered such a pretty doll-like face. I love how you handle eyes--they are so expressive. It's been snowing and blowing here too--very cold. It is sweet with a little white on the ground for Christmastime. Enjoy the class parties today. Happy Days, my friend... And Happy Christmas! ((HUGS))

Anonymous said...

I hope you had a great class party! We are getting snow here. Expecting quite a bit for us by tomorrow night.