Friday, 5 June 2009


Kat of Poetikat's Invisible Keepsakes gave me an award recently. It is the Ewe Rock award. I appreciate that Kat-thanks! I would like to pass it on to anyone who takes the time to look at my blog and double to anyone who leaves a comment. You make me happy and thoughtful at the same time with your kindness and insights! So you all rock!
I liked this award too as it got me thinking about sheep. I like sheep. There is something mysterious about them despite their familiarity. I love the way they move on their thin, twig like legs with their solid, comfy looking bodies. I used to think they were a little silly but have changed my mind over the years. My driving instructor used to say "Don't be a sheep" when I was in danger of following the person in front in either speed or wrong doing. I suppose sheep do do that-follow I mean. Last year in Scotland we saw sheep herding using dogs and quad bikes-it was great!
Below is a sheep from the Yorkshire Sculpture Park-a great place to visit. I went there with my sister and my friend a couple of years ago. Below said sheep is a picture of the toilet in a great cafe we visited in Whitby. I love it when businesses take time to make their toilets interesting and fun! These two photos are my version of 'Ewe Rock'.
Jane (my sister) made a great pottery sheep when she was at school. It has a fantastic texture and captured their shape perfectly. I just happen to have a photo so here it is! All that remains from my family's art is something from my Dad!
The second sheep is a present from me as I thought it went with Jane's quite well.
Sheep are great for many reasons, not least the wool they produce. This is a picture from the Whitby Museum, a very interesting place. Have a look at the Museum's Jet collection here.

This is wool dyed with natural dyes-isn't it beautiful?

Years ago I worked in a post office. I got to know the regular customers quite well in some cases. One lady used to wear a selection of sheep brooches. My curiosity overcame me in the end and I asked her about her brooches. They were mainly presents and they had been given to her because she was a weaver. She was a Swedish weaver in fact. I really liked her and was invited to a wine and weaving evening at her house once. I didn't really get to know her very well but I am glad I met her.
Have you ever seen Henry Moore's drawings of sheep? He got sheep perfectly! Mum has this book but I might have to buy it too.

This is a little lamb outside Gary's house in Whitby.
One last sheep thing-sheep will go, or have gone, down in history due to Dolly.


christina said...

Now this is cool! Sheep are adorable! I really think they become more cute when I see them eat. They are chewers.

Shell said...

Congrats on your sweet award. I liked the little video on the sheep.
I just started Emma. I was laughing when you said how aggravating she is..I am beginning to find this out already. Still, I must plow on.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your award!

Sheep really are cute!

Anonymous said...

Today you're all about sheep and I'mm all about horses - a real country weekend!

Renee said...

I love the sheep your sister made and the other that went with it.

Now, I have to tell you that the girls (spring and flower) wanted to go back home to you. Can you believe it?

I had to sit them down and tell them my feelings were hurt.

They told me it wasn't personal and that they love me, but it is too cold and summer is never coming to Winnipeg.

So they have agreed to stay. Let's hope summer comes soon.

Love you.

Renee xoxoxo

Unknown said...

Congrats on the award...Love the toilet....Sheep are so awesome...

Sonia ;)