Sunday, 14 June 2009

Shadow Shot Sunday

Yesterday we stumbled upon a local summer fair. This church also has jumble sales and they always have pretty sewn banners.These tasty cakes are my first shadow this week.
This bindweed is growing near the station. I love its trumpety white flowers.
This lady walking through the dappled shadow has a very useful shirt on.
I am not sure this qualifies as a shadow shot but I like it anyway.
The fountains in Trafalgar Square are great on a hot day. I did end up soaked at one point when the wind changed suddenly.
I took loads of photos here in the hope of catching a rainbow. I got a small one!
These women were knitting in the sun. I am afraid I didn't ask them why though. Lots of people were taking their photos. I have just had a look on the trusty internet and it was to do with this. What a good thing!
Visit Hey Harriet for more shadow shots.


Sylvia K said...

What terrific and fun shadow shots! Great variety! I love the sky and the statue -- shadow or not!!

Have a great day!

Chubby Chieque said...

Awesome shot you got today. And those women really had an enjoyable time knitting in the sun.

I don't bothered your shots as I adore them all.

Have a happy Sunday p.m.

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Knitters cast shadows
sitting in Trafalgar Square--
hear needles clicking?

Anonymous said...

Great shots, Sarah! Those cakes looked really yummy!

GalleryJuana said...

Cool shot of trafalgar square. And I want one of those cakes!

Anonymous said...

can i have some of those cakes? i am starving right now!

Anonymous said...

I forgot it was knitting in public day - which is probably just as well, as Malcolm would have been very embarassed!

Hey Harriet said...

I love the idea of the World Wide Knit in Public! I can't knit but would have been so happy to stumble upon that cute scene! I love stuff like that!!! I enjoyed your shots. Especially the one where you captured a mini rainbow! How sweet! What a fun day out you had :)

jabblog said...

'Tis the season of Summer Fairs (Fayres) and Fetes - every weekend is taken up with them and you don't actually have to attend as the loudspeaker systems ensure that everyone for miles around can hear what's going on.

That is the chicken said...

Fun shadows! I like the knitters. Amazing what people do in groups in public! It was world nude bike ride this weekend too!

Unknown said...

As always I get a great tour of Europe through your eyes...Thank you...

Sonia ;)

Anairam said...

A Knitting in Public day - what a great idea! Also love that hand-sewn banner - the idea of lettering with fabric is quite appealing - hmmmm - I feel a project coming on ...!!

Anne said...

Hi, Sarah! Cool pics! It's just about dinner time here ... and those tasty cakes are tempting me! :-)

Renee said...

The pictures are great and the plane flying overhead at exactly the right time.



Anonymous said...

It looks like you had a great day, and got so many lovely shots! I love your banner, too - is that new? So spring-y!

Tracy said...

Very fun post, Sarah! Great shots of shadows... That bindweed flower is gorgeous. They are invasive, but so pretty! Trafalgar Square... Oh, how I miss London! Thanks for sharing :o)

Chris said...

Beautiful images! And I love your little rainbow :)

Beverly Ash Gilbert said...

Love the delicate glow of the bind weed - so innocent looking (how deceptive!).

What fun to knit en masse!

Candace said...

Great post, Sarah! Those women make me think of grrl+dog and her guerilla knitting. LOL.
Take care!
Candace in Athens.