Saturday, 27 June 2009

A Mad Tea-Party!

Alice remembered something strange that had happened to her one day... It all started with the white rabbit and a fall.......
There were keys and cups and teapots and watches involved, if she remembered correctly. And a strange tea party with a Mad Hatter and his animal friends...

If Alice had the choice, I think she would have liked a strawberry or two and a fondant fancy to accompany her tea. Please help yourself!

Today though, she is enjoying a tea party in the company of her new acquaintances. It all seems so familiar...It may be a little strange, but at least the sun is shining.
We could join Alice for a little while, have a tiny cup of tea and then meander over to see Miss Vanessa at A Fanciful Twist, who is organising this Mad Tea Party! I am going to rush off there now to see what surprises will unfold and to eat a delicious morsel or two!Before we go, look who has gatecrashed the party! Perhaps she will sing us a song and then we can be off...Please take some flowers with you, they smell so lovely! Before you go-have you seen this? I had no idea that this was being made so thank you Renee! It looks great.
I will leave the washing up for later!


Ces Adorio said...

Holly smokes! Theres a mad tea party here too! These are so much fun! Oh goog heavens, you are all so creative! I love this! Hahaha! Lovely, just lovely. Thanks for this. :)

Christina said...

Very cool tea party! Fun!

Anne said...

Hi, Sarah! Love your Mad Tea Party pictures and post! I especially like the goodies you have prepared to serve. Looks yummy! :-)

And thanks for your lovely comments on my blog. I appreciate it! I always enjoy visiting your blog to see what you have created or glimpse snapshots of your world!

DellaRae said...

Lovely art...beautiful doll...great tea party!

Chickenbells said...

These parties are always a bit familiar, but often leave you feeling strange, eh? You've captured such a lovely party...and are officially invited to mine as well! See you soon...

Mary S. Hunt said...

looks like a great party!
thanks for stopping in to my blog
you have lots of activities to look through...enjoyed going to the tudor festival
that was as far as i got this visit
great times

Carrie said...

Oh wow! Everything is lovely, but I especially loved your painting of the mad hatter and rabbit. Wonderful! :)

Have a wonderfully mad day!

Pretty Things said...

What a great painting! And a lovely party!

I hope you'll visit my Tea Party and see what I'm decking out the party-goers in!

Melissa Valeriote said...

Wonderful party! I'm lovin your dollies.

Maggi said...

Such fun! I loved the strawberries and Alice is such good company! Thank you for hosting a lovely party for us!

You're madly invited to my tea party, I do hope you'll stop by (if you haven't already of course)!

Sueann said...

What a wonderful Tea Party you are having!! I love it
Please visit mine if you have time!!
I know Mad Hatters can take up alot of it. Time that is

A Fanciful Life said...

Please, may I have a fondant candy? They are so scrupmtious. Thanks for visiting my party today.

Sharon the garden fairy

Twyla and Lindsey said...

Thank you for the flowers. I enjoyed my time at your lovely party. Have a magical weekend! Twyla

Terri said...

So creative and so much great eye candy! Well worth the visit. Come see me!

Anonymous said...

That was cool! loved it :)

Shell said...

A lovely Tea Party, Sarah. I loved all the goodies, dolls, paintings and fabric art.

Renee said...

If you notice that the doormouse was missing, it is because I have him in my pocket.

Love Renee xoxoxo

Rebecca E. Parsons/Cre8Tiva said...

i'm here at last..thank you for the flowers...i am enjoying the parties and dancing my day away...i am having my tea by the sea...with flowers in my hair...come join me...hugs, rebecca/cre8tiva

Unknown said...

Your art and dolls are very sweet! Loved your "story"! :)

Deborah said...

LOVE your art! Fantastic. I hope you don't mind, I took a flower with me...too pretty to resist. Oh, do come have tea with me. But watch out for Alice. **blows kisses** Deborah

Marina Capano said...

Just Beautiful post!
Happy Mad Tea Party!

You're invited to my tea party


Anairam said...

What a lovely way to illustrate the story - I bet you are a GREAT teacher!! (PS My face project is quite low on my list right now, but I know I'll get there sometime - hopefully not 15 years!)

MJ Ornaments said...

Love your paintings, thanks for the party! Martha

Renee said...

Dear Sarah those girls of yours are quite snooty. They show nothing but disdain for the poor dormouse.

Can you talk to them please.


Anonymous said...


Renee said...

Love it. har har


Distressing Delilah a.k.a. jenn said...

so much tea, so little time! Thank you for having me!

Emily Anne Leyland said...

What a lovely party. I am doing a giveaway so come check out mine

Jodi said...

Very cool tea the flowers too!!
This is so fun- hop on over to my party if you're still in party mode.
thanks for sharing-
~jodi :)

Chrisy said...

Such a sparkling wonderous delightful party you've created here...lovin that Alice! Thank you so much for having me at your whimsical place. Come on over to my party - if you haven't quietly crept in already....

Unknown said...

So beautiful..Your party was fantastic...

Sonia ;)

MagicMarkingsArt said...

i simply cannot wait to add this to my tim burton movie collection. march is waay to far away.
until then, i will have to be happy with a little tea party hopping.

thank you for sharing the preview

Whisperings 13 said...

How clever! What a lovely tea party! and the flowers :::sniff:: are scrumptious!
Thank you!

LaLa said...

I love your precious dolly friends. The tea was great. Thanks for having me. Sorry I'm late!

Love LaLa

Come to my tea party when you have the time.

apparentlyjessy said...

What a charming party! I love your painting, the dormouse is darling!


TesoriTrovati said...

Really fun to join you on the journey!

I am having a giveaway on my blog I hope you will come by and say hi!

Enjoy the day!

Rain said...

Thank you for the flowers. We are all very excited about the movie coming out next year. what a lovely party your alice and I had. thank you for posting.

Hey Harriet said...

Wow! That was a fun Mad Tea Party! So many beautiful treats! I always enjoy a good party :)

kayellen said...

Mad Tea Party is alive and it's we really know how to have fun!!!
clink clink for tea!!!!

Thanks for the warm up:)


Kat said...

Your Alice doll is wonderful, did you sculpt directly onto the cloth? Ahh.. to be able to sew... *jealous*

Rose said...

Hi Sarah! thanks for stopping by my blog. It was so much fun being in Apparentlyjessy's photo shoot :)
You tea party is lovely, the little cakes look delicious!
Lovely to visit :)


Carolee said...

What a wonderful party! Do stop by mine, (if you haven't already) :)

~ Carolee

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful post!! said...

Helooooooo sweet friend!! I love your art, and you Mad Tea Party Display. I wish on was on your side of the pond :)) Playing!! What fun we would have! Thank you for being a Wonderful WOnderland friend!! xoxo

fairiemoon said...

That was a weird trailer and it looked like it had Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka in it rather than the pictures I've seen of him as the Mad Hatter. So, not so whimsical, huh? A bit more Goth.

A very Merry Unbirthday!
Erin :)

Anonymous said...

I came by yesterday but was having trouble choosing an identity :) (I'm a newbie you know and my first blog event hee hee) but oh! That picture of the rabbit haunts me, I love it! and your painting is wonderful and poor alice having to take strawberries and treats hee hee! Make me too please!
so nice to meet you!

Diana Meade said...

I declare, the candy is lucious as is the rest of your party. Hugs, Diana @IdaClare

*SHeRRy B* said...

Delightful party!Thank you for visiting with me!

Anonymous said...

You've prepared wonderfully. Your trinkets I like very much. I like that they look brassy, same as with the teacup with the browns and gold. Of and the chocolates - specially the chocolates :-)

Anonymous said...

How creative, Sarah! Your party looks lovely!

Jen said...

I just love your tea party photos! It looks like you had just as much fun here as I did at my party!

Connie said...

what a fun tea party! thanks for the invite!

Kathryn Costa said...

Your doll is delightful! I'll have to bring back some of those chocolates so I don't eat up my chocolate mice!

Kathryn, Collage Diva

❀~Myrna~❀ said...

What a great ,imaginative tea party!I love your art work. 8-)
Plese Stop by my Tea Party.

Candace said...

I cannot say enough wonderful things about this. So sorry I missed it, like the dormouse I was asleep somewhere for the last week or so. lol.

Just fantastic, Sarah. What a delight.
Candace in Athens.

BunnyKissd said...

What a wonderfully mad party! And wonderful creations as well! I've had a lovely time! Thank you for having me! ^-^

Victorian Lady said...

Thank you for the flowers! Great party!

Please do stop by mine...there is always room...and a video and giveaway too! :)
