Saturday, 6 June 2009

Shadow Shot Sunday

The sun has gone! The clouds are here. This seems to happen so rarely-I always manage to get shadow shots so I almost take it for granted. I don't mind the clouds and rain but have had to look elsewhere for shadows. Find more shadows here at HeyHarriet. These are some of my clay tools. Like everything else I can't just make do with one or two but seem to need loads. I used some of them this week on a new doll and had just washed them. I really like the metal ones with the ball shape on top-satisfyingly weighty and shiny!

This is mine and Andy's shadows at night in Whitby, overlooking the sheep field. I don't think you can see how huge the shadows were. The little white blob in the picture is a sheep so that shows the scale a little! Shadows of beautiful Whitby jet necklaces in the museum.

The last four photos are from an exhibition at the Hayward Gallery on the Southbank a couple of years ago. It was called 'Blind Light' and was lots of Antony Gormley people placed around the local area-mainly on roof tops but also on the street. It was a fun exhibition-I loved spotting the more distant people. I think I may be wrong about the name-I seem to remember 'Event Horizon' also. The blind light bit refers to a perspex room filled with fog and light. I queued for 20 minutes to get in, watching people as they felt their way around the outside wall.(You could not see them beyond that) When it was my turn I got in there-panicked and came straight out again! I couldn't breathe-it was like a giant nightmare steam room. Blind Panic was my name for it!


Anairam said...

Interesting exhibitions you've been to! That's one thing I loved about the two weeks I spent in London - the art! The figures on top of those buildings look quite scary I think ... something unsettling about them ...

Renee said...

I like that guy standing all over.

Your night sound super cozy.

Do you play wordscraper, it is like scrabble. I use to hate scrabble and now I love it.


The Summer Kitchen Girls said...

oh...we agree- the figure on the building would be pretty scary! Love your first shadow - interesting persepective!
Enjoy your weekend!

Carin said...

Those statues of that exhibition are frightening standing on all those high buildings. Amazing how creative people are in always inventing different things.

Enjoy your Sunday!

Margaret Gosden said...

Dramatic shadow shot of your clay tools! I recall the earlier days of London, when it was smog. It is amazing how environmental efforts to clear the air do work over time.

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

Super cool shots, great stories too. Thank you for stopping by my blog for SSS.

Martha said...

Cool shadow shots. I agree there is something unsettling about the figures on top of the building! Bizzare!

Sylvia K said...

Great shots all! And thanks for the information as well, always makes shots like these even more interesting!

Enjoy the weekend!

Strawberry Girl said...

Interesting pictures, the human statue... hmmm.

I would do that, but I have to much to do. ;D

Interesting art form.

Renee said...

Did I tell you I love the new banner.

I use to hate scrabble as I sucked big time. All I did was cat and dog and cat and dog....

But I love it now.


Unknown said...


Oh the pictures are so gorgeous...Love the exhibit too...

Sonia ;)

Catherine said...

I saw that Gormley exhibition too and loved it...wish it was permanent... I don't remeber the guy on the street but the lookouts on the roof were very evocative...Greetings from Mexico!!

Unknown said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog! I browsed yours and am fascinated by all your adventures and wonderful photos--your tools shadow shot is perfect! Happy weekend!

Hey Harriet said...

Love that first shadow shot of your clay tools! How clever! The little sheep (I'll have to take you word on them being sheep as I can't quite make them out ;) are funny! The last photos are truly amazing!

Diane Rooney said...

Hi Sarah! :) Nope. Still not moved. We do finally have a date though - 18th June! It's been almost 13 weeks. Just mad. They need to change the law re: buying and selling houses in the uk. We've got no chain and buying a brand new house. Hold-ups have been the lender - they just take their time because they can and are pretty choosy who they give mortgages to these days. We had to jump through hoops! ha! And also solicitors who are off sick and don't pass the work on so we were sat waiting for a long time not knowing our solicitor was actually doing nothing! Oh well. nearly there. Spent a lot of time de-cluttering, cleaning sorting out and packing! Hope you're well. I'll let you know once we've moved in and back up and running re: internet :) Thanks! x

Dianne said...

the man size sculptures are amazing!!

Linda said...

Fantastic shots ... and I love the pics of the statues on the buildings and sidewalks. What an interesting exhibition!

Candace said...

The figures on the buildings remind me of that bit in the movie "Signs"... This exhibit sounds/looks fantastic.

And I really like how you turned what could have been a disappointing day (rain) into a shadow shot all the same!
Take care from
Candace in Athens.

GalleryJuana said...

cool shot of your clay tools. And loved the gallery photos of the travelling statue.

steven mcvay said...

i loved the gormley exhibition... did you go in the fog was excellent, and seeing the figures on top of buildings made my trips into london far more enjoyable... shame they were not permanent... did you know a street in peckham has bollards that he designed ?.. thats a bit of london trivia for you...xx