Sunday, 7 June 2009

I have read memes, and know they are a list of questions, but had never heard the word outside of blogs. I looked it up and here is a good explanation. I am glad I looked as I hate that feeling of not quite knowing what is going on! Anyway, Kat tagged me for a meme which I now feel able to do!
It is full of 8s.
First-8 things I am looking forward to.
1. My summer holiday-six well deserved weeks off from school (I think they are well deserved anyway!)
2. Mine and Andy's week's holiday to Northumbria.
3. Our nursery trips to a lovely farm.
4. Actually starting to teach Forest School-there have been many, many setbacks since February but I think I may be able to start in a couple of weeks.
5. My salad for lunch tomorrow-it will have coriander in it which massively improves a salad!
6. 'Where Women Create' popping through the letter box.
7. The next series of 'The Apprentice'
8. Going to bed-it is late!
Next-8 things I did yesterday.
1. Went to work-it was Saturday so it is unusual to do that-we had a management day in a hotel in Greenwich-a first in my career. We were writing the School Development Plan for the next two years and I think it was actually quite productive-the sandwiches were good too!
2. Did some more work when I got home-I must have been in the mood.
3. Ate lovely bean and chicken stew that Andy cooked.
4. Watched 'Zoolander' once again.
5. Saw Antony move faster than I have ever seen him move as he rushed to get water to put out the Christmas tree he had accidentally set light to. The tree is one in a pot which, through lack of care since Christmas, has finally died. This was its cremation. It was leaning on the wall, next to a window and under the eaves.
6. Joined in a discussion about smoking.
7. Joined in a discussion about MP's expenses.
8. Drew a picture in my book.
Now for-8 things I wish I could do.
1. Dance
2. Fly
3. Time travel
4. Meet my blog friends in some magical meeting place when we choose.
5. Live closer to other friends and family-or maybe I could use the same magical meeting place.
6. Work less and play more.
7. Cook
8. Become less of a hoarder.
8 TV shows I watch
1. The Apprentice-though it finished tonight-boo hoo!
2. Mary Queen of Charity Shops
3. The Archers-it is not tv but radio but I do listen every week.
4. Saturday Kitchen
5. Flight Of the Conchords
6. Screen Burn
7. BBC breakfast programme
8. Silent Witness-when it is on.
8 of my favourite foods
1. Toast-especially beans and grated cheese on toast
2. Apples
3. Mussels
4. Cheese-lots of types
5. Cherries
6. Mango
7. Cake-seems unfair to choose one type but it might be banana, or coffee and walnut
8. The rice, prawn, peas, tomato, coriander, cinnamon, cardamom delicious soupy concoction Andy made for tea tonight-it was lovely and apparently low fat!
8 Places I would like to travel
1. Bath-start local-I have never been there and really must
2. Anywhere in time that I wanted to with guaranteed safe return!
3. New York-I have been there once briefly but would love to go back for a longer visit.
4. Arizona
5. Mexico
6. India
7. Cambodia
8. Northumbria-I am going there because I would like to and at least I can tick one off the list soon!
I would love to see any answers you might have!
I have just realised there are no pictures on this post and I love pictures. I will find one random picture now! Have a good week!


Deirdra Doan said...

I love the apprentice they have and English one or is it the Trump one we have in the USA?

I love Northumbria we spent time in Holy Isle there and on the Tweed...chasing Celtic Saints...filming John's music and stories at special places and meeting the people from the Northumbia Celtic community who are very interesting...doing concerts on the Ilse as well...Where are you going there...oh by the way we found the stone that "Merlin" was baptists on before the Northumbian's killed him because they thought he was a wizard!! We dream and have fun...the "Scots View" over the Tweed is lovely..the writer of Rob Roy...

Our friend Andy Raine lives on the Holy Isle...
and another video of the Isle...

One of the video's I made of John on the Celtic Isle of Ireland..

Unknown said...

That was fun...Sarah learned all new things about you...I enjoyed that...I hope you have a great summer holiday..Teachers deserve that...

Sonia ;)

Renee said...

Have a great week Sarah.


Candace said...

Love things like this! It's always fun finding out bits and pieces about friends, the "common touch".
I do hope you have a great week and that the next six weeks are equally good. Whoa, I could NOT teach fulltime.

And I do want to say the art is very eyecatching, therefore fun!
Take care!
Candace in Athens.

Anonymous said...

Really enjoyed the meme! I always love reading the answers to them.

Anne said...

Hi, Sarah! So much fun to read your memes! I've nominated you for an award on my blog. Hope you'll stop by to check it out! :-)

Anairam said...

For memes, read Susan Blackmore's excellent book, The Meme Machine. (I also read her Conversations on Consciousness, which was a great introduction to the current ideas on consciousness in the fields of neuroscience and philosophy.) I love coriander as well, especially in Thai curries, but L'Usband is very finicky, he picks out every single leaf and discards it on the edge of his plate. Grrrr.

Mary S. Hunt said...

i came to visit by way of anne gaal's blog
this being the first post ever to read about you..was perfect! i think i found out a lot about your fun personality your interests and likes and in general...a hint about you to make me look further into your world by way of 'blog'
nice to meet you and i thank anne for the possibility!

Tracy said...

A very fun post, Sarah...enjoy your holiday coming up! :o)

Chris said...

Great list! I love reading about other people and see what they're all about. The Christmas tree thing is funny, too :)

Sarah said...

No Kat it's not the Trump-Donald? one-it is with Sir Alan Sugar. He is great! I could watch him on the telly every day! He is currently advising Gordon Brown on economic affairs.
That's interesting stuff about Northumbria Deirdra thanks! I will check out those videos. We are staying on Druiridge Bay in a house called Lobster Pot Cottage. Can't wait!
Thanks Sonia, Renee,Candace,Liz, Anne!
That sounds interesting Anairam. It is a shame about the coriander though!
Thanks for visiting Mary and Tracy!
Thanks Chris! It was funny but worrying! More funny though!

Lynne said...

Hi Sarah,
Thanks for calling. I'm on my travels so I haven't been calling in on anyone or posting anything. I'll be back soon though! I'll catch up with what you've been up to then, looks interesting.

kendalee said...
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kendalee said...

I LOVED reading your list Sarah - am so intrigued by what people like, love, dislike - what makes them tick. I especially love the things you're looking forward to (well-deserved break indeed!!) and the places you'd like to travel... I hope you make it to one or more of them soon :

Anairam said...

PS Oh, won't you post your quilt sometime, please? I searched your blog but could only find a reference to it, no picture ... I would love to see it!

Hey Harriet said...

Great lists! I found your TV show list funny because I've only ever heard of one of the shows on there. Flight of the Conchords. Which I LOVE btw!!!