Monday 22 June 2009

A Day With The Tudors

We went to Eltham Palace on Sunday, to the Medieval Fair. We saw genteel dancing,
basic cooking,

the old contrasted with the new,
fair ladies with owls, (though if we really had been Tudors we would have run away screaming apparently as the owl is a creature of the night and is a bad omen when seen in the daytime)
Peregrine falcons,
and King Henry himself on the jousting field.

You could almost believe you were there!


Shell said...

I would have loved to seen the Medieval Fair in person. I'm sure you had a fab time there. Perfect for a summer afternoon

Anonymous said...

That looked super - on a bit bigger scale to the Reivers Festival we had in Hawick recently!

Unknown said...

Oh so beautiful...You lucky duck...

Sonia ;)

Blog Dona Ingrid said...
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Blog Dona Ingrid said...

That beautiful party look like very funny and nice !

yoon see said...

Very interesting:)

Anonymous said...

We did a medieval fair when I was in the 6th grade. We dressed to period and did those dances. It was so much fun! I am glad that you enjoyed your day!

yoon see said...

You are most welcome Sarah, love your beautiful header.
The flower blossoms are such great ascend!

Anairam said...

It looks very interesting, but I have to confess that I am glad I'm living in the here and now rather than in the then and there!

Rajesh said...

Looks like everybody had good time. I would have loved to be there.

Catastrophe Waitress said...

some of those men were REALLY getting into the dancing, weren't they?

i wish tent-like dresses would come back in to fashion, then i could gobble delicious looking puddings to my heart's content and nobody would be the wiser.

word verification:


Anne said...

Hi Sarah! Looks like you had a great time at the Medieval Fair! Thanks for sharing the pics! :-)