This is a view of downtown Austin, Texas. Isn't it lovely? I bought a couple of cards from the lovely Sonia and she included some other goodies, including this picture. Thank you Sonia!
The cards I bought are lovely and for a very good cause. Visit Sonia to find out more and to see her lovely work.
I am tempted by the pretty colours and, dare I say it, the pretty packaging. I love bourjois things in particular. The reason they are all over the table is that they were being sketched for the second to last page of the sketchbook project book. I have one more page to go, then the cover and a little index type thing and I am finished. I really enjoyed it though it will be good to have time to do other things.
Winter, because it is finally very cold, after a long unseasonal mild patch, lulling us all into a false sense of security. I think all these pictures look wintery, unlike sunny Austin!
I get half a day a week to cover all that-not a chance! 10 hour days, work in the evenings and Saturdays often too-gripe, gripe! This weathered looking house was on my drive home (when I waited at temporary traffic lights ('Tis the season of temp'ry traffic lights, fa la la la la, la la la la)There was no one around guarding the scary looking ladder.
Last but not least-Happy Thanksgiving to you all-another benefit of the internet is sharing in festivals we don't celebrate here!
Love the pics! It made me smile to think of your little trip around the Christmas house. We have often done the same in our own 'neck of the woods'. You are lucky to be able to spend your PPA time working at home. I get so much more done at home. At school there are always interruptions or people around to chat to. Enjoy the approaching weekend! Ros
Eye shadow and make up in general- I don't even know how to begin to use that stuff properly but i, too, am lured by the pretty colours..I buy it and stuff it in a drawer thinking that maybe someday I will need to at least try to be girlie. I have things in that drawer that are 25 years old!
Love the spooky pub- i would go in there for sure!
I have a friend who, when her children were small, used to buy them some pick-and-mix and take them on a tour of the 'Christmas Lights'. Which was all the houses in town that were lit up. There used to be lots until the cost of electricity went sky high!!
Nice to know someone else who doesn't go a bundle on make up.
We noticed a couple of large Christmas trees with lights on in the village tonight. Must take the camera with me tomorrow night and see if I can get a couple of photos.
How lovely to be completing your
sketchbook. I'm not familiar with that feeling.... finishing something!
i truly think i have learned so much through other cultures and customs through all the lovely blog i visit. i so much enjoy getting to know you wonderful ladies.
Sarah, this post is so joyous! What an eye for colour and adventure you have.
Your photos remind me how lucky I was to be in London this time last year, as I saw for myself what it is like not only to be away on a holiday but how holidays go in other places as well. You know in England, your sky is silver in the winter!
It's winter here, too, finally. Freezing temps for the first time this season. That first photo looks really quite shivery to me and gives a good look at old frosty buildings!
Have fun this season.
Oh yes, I understand the lure of prettily packaged make-up - it hangs around for years after an initial foray onto my face then is thrown away. I'm with you on the dodgy pub too!
One village near here has white lights throughout and the pub is a mass of light - quite distracting if you're driving but very pretty.
Didn't realize you went in for Xmas houses in the UK! Here it is still quite a novelty - I must say, I find it quite funny to see the odd house decorated to the hilt with father xmas, reindeers, sleigh and snow - all decked out in lights - on a sweltering summer evening!
i have used my old eyeshadows in artwork
they color nicely..need sealing
but if you are in a pinch they work
great photos!
happy day after thanksgiving
do y'all celebrate thanksgiving there?
i kind of thought it was a "new world" tradition
and second to the last page!!!!
you go girl!
Such wonderful photos, Sarah...and Christmas lights already--WOW! Earlier and earlier each year, 'eh? Fun to see you makeup collection. I like make up but have a small collection. For a few years I've been using the mineral makes and really love those--so light on the skin, so natural. Using them for art work, I have to confess, I'd not thought of before--brilliant idea! Happy Weekend :o9 ((HUGS))
Funnily enough, I had not thought of using make-up until the other night. I was wondering how to show their colours and then I thought, why not use the colours themselves? They do work well as Mary says!
Hi Sarah - I am very impressed with your makeup collection! I recently threw out all the old stuff I no longer used, so now have the bare minimum (and I don'y even wear that very often!!) Love, Anne
Dear Friend I am glad you like the goodies.
Wow... you've got quite a makeup collection! Everyone is putting up their Christmas lights (us included) here as well. I want to drive around this year and look. We haven't done that in so long.
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