I have finished the book doll. I called her Muse as I felt very inspired to make her and it happened easily. Sometimes, even if enjoyable, making things can be hard so it is lovely when it is not! There are shadows here and more to come! Visit Hey Harriet for more shadows.
I decided not to paint her at all as I like the writing and scraps of picture. She looks more as if she has a nose in real life than in the picture. I used a Russian text book on her dress, cut out eyes and mouth from the same photo in a Sunday supplement, a cut out necklace, and brown paper from Anne's envelope on her arms. The flowery part of her dress is from birthday wrapping paper. Her hair is the same packaging shredded paper that I used for Edna's skirt. The cover of the book is a stamp from Candace.
Earlier, I went outside to take something back to the shed. The garden is so messy-I have not done anything to it for about a year and it shows. I swept up loads of leaves and pulled up a few weeds. I noticed some fungi growing in a pot with Rosemary in it. I picked a piece to have a look. It has a beautiful structure underneath-which reminded me a little of the book doll's skirt!
I have also been trying to finish the poor clown doll. I have made him a jacket, jumper and now tiny trousers-which are far too short-the hazards of being too lazy to measure properly.
I was quite negative about clowns a while ago here and since then keep coming across lovely images of them, not looking at all disturbing or sad. Clowns have got together to prove me wrong! This picture is from a magazine last Sunday and is from work by an artist called Paolo Ventura. His work is amazing-he has created the life of a fictional Italian clown through painting, model making and creating miniature sets then photographing the whole thing. It is called Winter Stories. There is a limited edition book which I would love-perhaps I will save up!
This clown looks so sweet. He is not at all disturbing and looks very happy.
This harlequin lady is from the vintage ephemera site I mentioned the other day. I love her dress and her collar.

Your book dolly is gorgeous! I love the way you have done her skirt - very clever! Clown doll is terrific too - I know what you mean about clowns - I drew a clown a while back and put it on my blog and most of the comments expressed some sort of fear of them!! You've found some "good" clown shots however I think!
Yes, I;ve heard about the amazing floods and storms and wind you've been having over there - the weather has gone crazy it seems. Hope it calms down a bit!
The book doll is fascinating! I'm glad you posted a close-up of her head, she has a sweet smile.
very interesting book doll! i agree - the writing on it makes it more fascinating.
I nearly didn't look, because I have quite a clown phobia. (I'm still not keen on them, but yours are not disturbing.) The doll's face is remarkable.
Your book doll is wonderful Sarah! Your creativity is very inspiring! I liked the clowns you've shared here. Didn't frighten me in the slightest. Phew! Have a lovely weekend :)
Muse looks quite Greek to me - something about her hair I think.
Lovely clown shots and the fungus is quite beautiful. Nature's designs are magnificent.
The book doll is haunting and so creative!
I just love the book doll. She made me pause and take a really good look at her face; almost as though she were real and was trying to communicate something. Very lovely! Ros
Your a very creative artist with every thing you have done here. The dolls are so unique.
I think your book doll has turned out superb! I especially love the first photo of her.
I know what you mean about gardens. Ours needs a lot more work doing on it before we, I mean I can plant the seeds for a vegetable patch in Spring. But the thing is.... the people in the village here are oh so, mmm, keen on their gardening. Which is lovely, but it was always going to put us to shame. Everyone is out most days, except Sundays, never Sundays, working on their gardens. To the point of no leaf is left anywhere. They are swept, raked, picked, plucked and sucked, so none are left lying at all! Not my style at all.
Love the fungi. I'm glad you seem to be quite enjoying clowns now.
How intricate and fascinating!
I love the doll - glad the envelope came in handy!!
Impressive creations...love this.
You are really having a creative muse time...Good for you...
Book doll is beautiful, thanks for sharing her in detail...
Oh my goodness. This doll is just fantastical. Love how you have just scrapped and scraped her together into such a lovely Muse. Thanks for using that stamp, I thought it was lovely myself.
Poor auld Clown! I like where you are going with this journey, Sarah.
How creative and fun this new work is.
Your doll has turned out beautiful!
Sarah, your doll came out wonderfully! I love it!
Both dolls look very charming.
I love the book doll,specially her face!!! :)
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