I wanted to try to make a person with the same method as the bird faces so the bird feet girl was born. I tried to do feet like heeled shoes but they did not work so I made bird feet. They do not work either but that was good as I could use one of my stash of cigar boxes bought on
ebay last year! It is a prototype doll-I love working out the problems as I go along and in light of that I put my favourite quote from Picasso-
If you know exactly what you are going to do, what is the point of doing it?"On the surface this may sound a bit slap dash, but it suits me as it is how I think. I think of a little idea then keep it in my mind on and off for a while, refining it or working out how I will do it. But I can never foresee exactly how something will be, ever. I don't suppose many people can. I think it is a good thing to apply to teaching as well-as in how children see the world. They are always experimenting and testing ideas and this is what the quote means to me too. Having fun with the process.
Anyway, miss Bird Feet is held onto the box with two
pieces of bent wire which are held in place with
blu tac! Mr Skelly is her companion for the evening-he is loosely held up on a wobbly wire stand. The pig is just around. It is waiting to be finished-but just sits in the cat's toy box. So at least it is in a
photo shoot now!

This is the plastic fusion fun part-a great tutorial from Vanessa at
A Fanciful Twist Visit her for details and beautiful things made with the fused plastic. You just iron eight layers of plastic bag plastic between two sheets of grease proof paper and, hey presto, you have interestingly textured plastic fabric, which can then be used to make other things. Vanessa makes gift bags. I am thinking of making a doll/doll dress. I added fusible fibres to one side of mine and glitter to the other as an experiment. The fibres just fused to themselves not the bags but the glitter worked really well!
I like that quote from Picasso. I'm not familiar with it. I tend to work on the hoof so to speak. I'm not generally one to plan out on paper first, though I have tried it as that seems to be the accepted way to work. Whenever sewing my own things, (not following a pattern or design), I work from what I have, auditioning fabrics as I go getting ideas and working outwards I suppose. I think the dolls posture suits the quote very well. I love the close up of her too.
I keep meaning to try the plastic bags method everytime I have loads of thread left over from sewing. I'm sure they would look good fused between plastic. I look forward to seeing your doll's dress.
Thank you for your lovely comments. It's true, Jewel is a sweetie. Not a term I would generally use, but it suits her. I think her lovely nature shines in contrast to the two 'lads' boisterous nature. (Another gender difference). But she can also be quite boisterous and lively!
The elderly lady would have probably appreciated a chat with you. Yes people seem to be very friendly here and approachable. I just wish I could speak the language. I would get so much more from being here. But I am trying!
Glad to hear that you are feeling better.
these are wonderful. the textures are quite lovely.
i so can't wait to see what else, you end up making.
Love the pig and the rather insolent looking doll girl.
Beautiful Sarah!! I love your new creations... bird feet girl has a wonderful expression.
Hi sarah,
quite creative indeed..
n picassio aptly sums up every artist's quest to find the 'unknown'..
Looking to more from you...
Great! So quirky! Have a sweet day!
Go Picasso!!! I totally agree with him - I always feel it is such a huge adventure drawing or making anything - I think that's what you did here with your Bird feet gal - you went on an adventure - she's lovely!! Have a lovey week!
Hi Sarah - I tend to just make a start to a project and see how it goes - sometimes I have vague scribblings on a piece of paper - I keep meaning to keep proper workbooks ..... As for the etsy shop - there already is a 'frayed at the edge' on etsy!! (it showed up in a search, when I was looking at my stats) I know someone who uses the melted plastic bag thing to make book covers - I think she machine embroiders the plastic 'fabric'. Love your girl, but I must focus on to-do list, not try somethinbg new!!!!!
Miss Bird Feet has very kind eyes and a lovely rosebud mouth.
The melted plastic sounds fascinating - must try that some time.
How's Lily?
Love your Bird Feet Girl and Skelly! The photos make so many questions about them pop into my mind. They almost take on real life personalities. The melted plastic work looks great. Look forward to seeing something made from it! Ros
I love your new creations!
I love your sculptures! So creative!
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