Thursday, 19 November 2009

Doodly Faces

I phoned my Dad. Then my Mum. I doodled faces. This sketchbook has such lovely paper-it has little ridges in it like expensive writing paper. It is lovely to draw on with anything soft. The paper feels soft too.
Girl number one looks a bit 70s to me. Girl number two is futuristic and girl number three is a cat!
I have been doing my book doll tonight and she is nearly finished. I had forgotten how I really like papier mache-such sticky fun!


Rattling On said...

I'm for number one as well, but I think she looks like a 50s arty beatnik for some reason!

Sam said...

Sweet! LOve the kitty cat and the sci-fi dame! You're doing some fine work whilst on the phone - I usually do these OCD concentric circles!!! I've got squillions of pads full of them at home!!

Mary S. Hunt said...

these are great!!!
i like paper mache too

Anonymous said...

Lovely doodles - I used to doodle a lot - I must start again. Your blog always makes me want to do things!!

jabblog said...

Lovely! I wish I could doodle productively . . . ;-)

Deirdra Doan said...

I really like your soft drawings....

Anonymous said...

Oooh I love that second one!