Monday, 23 November 2009

Julie's Doll

A while ago, Julie at work approached me for doll advice. Not many people there know I make dolls, only really my nursery colleagues who are very nice about the ones they have seen! Julie wanted to make a doll for her friend-more a stuffed kind of toy I suppose. I told her how I make cloth dolls and rattled on about it for a while. She listened and went off to think about it. A little while later she came back to me and just asked me to make it for her! This is her initial sketch idea. She wanted it to have three heads, be in the colours of the Jamaican flag, and portray the proverb Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.
Below is my sketch-and, contrary to my usual approach, I did actually follow it pretty much exactly!
I wanted to make it stand on its own, so I made it with a flat bottom and weighted it with ceramic cooking beans.
I got the idea for the shape of the heads from Junker Jane, (artist Catherine Zacchino), who's dolls I love. I like their square heads and I love her use of fabric.
I felt a bit bad about the see no evil head, so I made his blindfold seeable through!
The three wise monkeys commonly associated with the proverb. I can't do monkeys, hence the square heads! I have had this little plastic version since I was a child. It was given to me by my Gran. My favourite thing on the doll is the button headphones!
It was fun having a mini commission. Julie's friend liked it apparently.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah - that is brilliant - a super interpretation of the 3 monkeys!! Love, Anne

Tracy said...

You are truly a wonder, Sarah! You took Julie's sketch and really brought the doll/toy-idea to great life! I like the mix of materials and textures you've used to create it. Terrific twist on the monkeys--well done! So much enjoying catching up on your recent posts. As Christmas approaches and our trip too, the days are swamped and I'm slow to visit...LOL! Happy Days, my friend--thanks for joining in on my gift giveaway fun :o) ((HUGS))

jabblog said...

I love the way you have stitched the eyes gives them expression! I can see you will be getting more commissions!

Unknown said...

Sarah ..
That was wonderful. I love Junker Jane..she is so awesome..Thank you for the sweet words dear friend...Have you gotten your cards yet? I stuck some extras for ya in there to create with...


Unknown said...

Wonderful! So cute! Have a sweet day!

Renee said...

Great job.

The three monkeys. My way is look, listen, and speak up.


Candace said...

Sarah, this is just super! Love seeing and reading how you did/do this stuff. I am just now really at ease with working on and with fabrics... my hat's off to you and the monkeys!
Take good good care over there.

kendalee said...

This is FABULOUS Sarah-you are so clever! And I love not only seeing what you make but how you go about it - I'm endlessly delighted and inspired by your creativity :)

Shell said...

These are adorable, Sarah.

Anonymous said...

That is an awesome doll Sarah! You are so talented!

Lynne said...

Well done Sarah, that's fantastic. No wonder the friend liked it. Maybe it's the first of many more commissions. I like the headphones too and how thoughtful of you not to cover the eyes completely. I remember my Gran having a brass 3 wise monkeys.

Relyn Lawson said...

Such fun! Very impressive.

Renee said...

To compassion coming back in style....

Love Renee xoxo