Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Post Post And Other Things

Tuesday is Forest School day at the moment. I still have not quite finished all my course work and I have not been observed doing a session yet. This was due to be done next week but has been cancelled because my assessor has not been assessed to be an assessor yet! Nevertheless, Forest School is my favourite session of the week-the children love it and so do the adults. Today we planted some trees that one of the teaching assistants won. We were filthy-it was great! I think I could send that group out on their own to plant trees now and they would know what to do. My favourite thing was seeing them gently firming down the soil around the little trees-they were so careful. Fingers crossed that they grow! I got home about half six to find exciting post. Two packets of felting wool and a lovely sheep postcard from Anne of Frayed At The Edge-we met in the summer. I love surprises in the post so thank you Anne! I am thinking about what to make. The next piece of exciting post was this postcard-from myself via America. (Thanks Candace for the stamp!) It is the acknowledgement of receipt of Perdita by Art Doll Quarterly. At least I know she got there ok and I will get her back one day! Now fingers crossed that they like her!
This is the latest doll I have started. The idea comes from a couple of sources. Years ago I saw an article on this amazing artist who makes sculptures out of books by folding them. I had a go on an old copy of Sense and Sensibility-it is up on the book shelf. This one is a book I bought in Scotland recently on football coaching. I liked the illustrations and the cover. I like it even more now as the middle of the skirt. The other place I got the idea from was a picture of a doll with a folded paper underskirt. (Picture a long way down in this post)I am going to use papier mache to make the body and head. I used to do quite a lot of papier mache and feel like having another go.
The adult sized chair in the nursery garden. Ancient but quite comfy. I came upon this carefully placed collection of wooden bricks on it today and liked the effect. I don't know who put them there though!
C. in my class rushed over to get me this afternoon. She wanted to show me this. Bees are very attracted to our bright yellow slide, and often stop to clean themselves or soak up the sun. We watched this one for a while before it flew off.
One more thing-I have nearly finished my sketchbook for the sketchbook project-only three more pages to go!


jabblog said...

Really interesting post, Sarah. I love the idea of folded book work. I looked back into your highlighted post and fell in love with the horse! . . . and the circus animals, particularly the sheep-lion.
How nice that your children understand your passions - you're helping them to be observant too.
Did you know that manufacturers stopped using yellow in the production of paddling pools because it attracts wasps? In fact, I don't think I've ever seen yellow prams or buggies either.

Anonymous said...

I love the folded book - I might have to get a cheap one from the charity shop and have a go!!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see how your doll turns out!

Anonymous said...

catching up with your posts i'd missed... and going through the books in your header. is this from your bookshelf?

Relyn Lawson said...

Hey you! I saw on Yiota's blog that you are reading Shadow of the Wind and I had to stop by. I tell you, that is one of my most favorite books EVER. I absolutely love it. I can't wait to hear what you think of it.

Gabbi said...

I love seeing the development of your new doll Sarah, her skirt is already quite pretty. Also, your packages are great! Can't wait to see what you make with the wool.

Bea said...

Visiting your blog by way of Mar's blog. Love the header. What a neat thing to see those colorful blocks on the chair. At first I thought you were about to do a mosaic project. Love the bee photo. Our bees from our hives have been shipped out to California for the winter. The life of the Wisconsin bee. lol Apparently, they are needed out there to help out the dwindling bee population in CA. :)Bea

Unknown said...

You have ana amzing eye ... Ur cards went out today...passed to mail lady today.


Candace said...

A fantastically serendipitous post today, Sarah. How busy you are. My fingers are crossed as are my toes but -- how could ANYone not love Perdita? I was happy to help and will do it again anytime.

Love that bee and LOVE love love the new doll. Can't wait to see her en toto.
Take good care.
Candace in Athens

Anonymous said...

i love your book collection..

great header..

Sunitha said...

Nice work there with the foll.. Like you post.

Lynne said...

Your Forest School sounds fantastic. I look forward to seeing what you do with the felting wool. What a great idea to make a skirt out of a book. I love some of the things I've seen done with books. Very novel!
Insects do seem to be attracted to the colour ywllow don't they. I bought a brand new yellow motor bike once, yellow being my favourite colour. I loved it, but it did attract the insects.
Love your busy post.

Renee said...

So much good stuff going on.

Love the doll.

Renee xoxo

parisa mahmoudi said...

Hi Sarah! :)
Interesting post,I really love try to make a doll like this!Thank You!
P.S.I love your new banner!!!

kendalee said...

What a lovely eclectic post Sarah! I too look forward to seeing how your doll turns out... She'll be lovely - no doubt! And there's something so sweet about that little arrangement of blocks on the chair - so deliberate and thoughtfully placed.

I've had such a whirlwind week with very few bright spots but your blog is always a treat! :) x