Saturday, 15 August 2009

Stories and Magic

Everywhere we went, I was reminded of fairy tales, ghost stories, myths and legends. Northumberland is a truly magical place.


Anonymous said...

A lovely montage of photos!!

Shell said...

Beautiful mosaic of your pictures. I have enjoyed your trip, felt I have been going along with you.

Unknown said...

Oh the collage of what a voyage of dreams to me..

xoxo S

Anonymous said...

loved the peek into that part of the world. always nice to tag along on others' travels :)

Janine said...

It sounds as if you are having a wonderful holiday! The pictures are fun and thank you for sharing them! Thank you for sharing your holiday!

Hey Harriet said...

What a magical collection of images! I so wish I could visit somewhere like that. I have itchy feet now!!! :D

Anonymous said...

I love the collage!

kendalee said...

Lovely, lovely magical details! I think a trip to Northumberland is definitely called for... you've inspired me!

Candace said...

How in the world did I miss this fantastic post of yours?? Great photos. And it's hard to say what a favourite would be.

Like Shell said, I felt like I was right there with you on this latest voyage.

Thanks so much for sharing your time with us.
Candace in Athens.