Thursday, 27 August 2009

Bird Face and Edie

I can't think of a good name for the bird with a face on it so bird face it is. This is the other side of one of the fabric birds from last week. I have drawn a watercolour pencil face then used water on that. I used gold interference medium-a fancy name for this lovely delicate pale gold paint, then some bluey greens around the edge. The bird is standing next to a little bowl of plaster eggs which are replicas of real birds eggs. I saw an article in 'World of Interiors' about this amazing real bird egg collection-and the article explained where these plaster replicas could be obtained. It is actually a taxidermy supply website-which I find fascinating. This is my second face on wood for the Suzi Blu class-now finished-I am way behind. Have a look at Janine's faces to see some really beautiful examples of-well-faces! She has done lots of work and it is all lovely!
I am quite pleased with this one, but stopped before the adding texture stage so it is basically pencil with a little acrylic, sanding and then more pencil. I watched 'Grey Gardens' last night-a fascinating and quite beautiful documentary film from the seventies. I have read a little about it but did not know what to expect. I loved it and can't wait to watch it again-it is one of those films that I think I will watch quite often. Anyway, the daughter wears headgear very much like this. I did this picture before seeing the film. It also looks like my cloth dolls that just have painted faces so it looks like they are wearing a hood/balaclava!


→lisa said...

I love birdface, and I think that's a perfect name, too ;)

Grey Gardens is quite something, isn't it? That rotting mansion, the antagonistic relationship, the wasted lives, the self-delusion.

And Edie's incredible fashion sense! I really liked her impromptu head wraps.

Relyn Lawson said...

Oh, I have the Grey Gardens documentary and the newer version on my Netflix queue. I can hardly wait to watch them.

Janine said...

Sarah, i love your face on wood and your bird!

How sweet of you to mention my faces and my blog! The class has been a lot of fun!

Hmmm, Grey Gardens sounds interesting!

Thanks again for you kind comments!

Anonymous said...

You are just so talented! I love your creations!