Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Off to see Puffins!

We took a boat to Inner Farne
on Tuesday, hoping to see Puffins and other sea birds. We saw loads-puffins, arctic terns, kittiwakes, gannets(the largest British seabird), shags, cormorants and also swallows-they were everywhere. The gannets diving were spectacular!
The photos reflect the distance and the extreme choppiness of the water! The video is there to show that choppiness! On my Mum's side of the family all her uncles were merchant sailors. I have not inherited the seagoing gene. Still, it was worth it to see all those birds and the grey seals we saw too. Below is the best photo I took of the puffins-I could see them better than the camera picked up though. When they are all floating on the sea they are called a 'raft of puffins'-how sweet! They have a funny little flight-their wings look too little for their bodies. They fly quite high over the water and are easy to spot due to their way of flying.
The seals seemed to be looking at us as much as we were looking at them! One even popped over to our island to watch as we waited for the boat to collect us.
I am afraid I still do not know the difference between a shag and a cormorant-one of them has bluey green plumage and one of them has a little tuft on its head-not sure which! I liked this photo of one of them walking along the cliff though.This is longstone lighthouse, made famous by Grace Darling, the brave woman who rescued shipwreck victims from the SS Forfarshire. She sadly died four years later from TB.
This is the ligthhouse on Inner Farne.
This is the tower house where five National Trust bird wardens live for nine months of the year. I can't decide if I would like that job or not.
This is the chapel on the island which has an interesting history.
On our drive home we saw the most beautiful rainbow. I have not seen such a clear one before where you could actually see the ends.
Then in the evening we were treated to this sunset!


A Wild Thing said...

It was so great to tour your countryside, it has always been a dream of mine to visit and tour the castles and to look out over the cliffs to the sea and dream...I would take that job as a bird watcher any day...I love solitude and the sea.

Thanks for stopping by, I'll be back to check out more ruins and your beautiful countryside.


Unknown said...

Sarah...How amazing TY for taking me on that trip with you with pics and video...absolutely stunning...going to read more on the history of the places tomorrow..

xoxox S

Shell said...

I loved your trip to the sea. Beautiful pictures and I liked the video too.

Anonymous said...

Again super photos - I can't believe I live so close to all that and I've never seen it!! Must put it in the diary for next year!! Love, Anne

Hey Harriet said...

Thanks so much for the tour! This is such a great group of photos...they cover so much! I've never heard of puffins before and couldn't tell the difference between a shag and a cormorant either I'm afraid. I absolutely adore lighthouses and you've shown two in one post! Yay! The rainbows are so sweet....oh I love everything! :)

Tracy said...

LOVE this post, Sarah..the photos are just wonderful--those skies incredible! Off to look up more on puffins and more...I'm intrigued! Happy Days, my friend ((HUGS))

MyMaracas said...

What a wonderful post! I so enjoyed the photos, and the history of the beautiful church. Seeing puffins, and that great old lighthouse... thanks for sharing this!

Rosebud Collection said...

What a wonderful trip and you know we have the puffins here too.
I think they started to die out and now on coming back.
Pictures are just wonderful and will have to check them out again.

Anne said...

Hi, Sarah! Puffins are COOL! Never knew it was a "raft of Puffins"! Such fun! Love the rainbow! :-)

Lynne said...

I've had many a day trip to Seahouses, usually calling for fish and chips on the motor bikes, but have yet to go to the Farnes. I intend to take my Grandson now he's old enough to appreciate it and to manage the sea journey!

kendalee said...

Wow, now that's what I call a perfect day - a treehouse, puffins, a full rainbow, beach walk with oyster catchers and a pink sunset!!! It's like delicious stuff overdose! Who'd need grass on a day like that? ;)

We had a huge oleander bush in our garden when I was a child and I was always terrified that one of my younger siblings would poison themselves on it. They're such beautiful plants though.

Anonymous said...

Sarah, What an amazing trip! Everything is so beautiful! I have to admit I would have been so sick on that boat ride though. I have only seen puffins here at the zoo!