Wednesday, 30 September 2009
Wednesday Bits And Pieces

Tuesday, 29 September 2009
Two Quick Things
Monday, 28 September 2009
Wonders Of The Modern Age and Giveaway News

I did the draw for the giveaway yesterday and here are the names the random generator picked.
If you are on the list please send me your address and I will post things as soon as I can. If you are not on the list please send me your address too as I would love to send you a couple of little poladroids! Thanks for entering too.
Tracy of Hey Harriet was drawn for the number bird.
Gabbi of Felinofice was drawn for the pink bird.
Yiota of Shells and Bells and Flowers and Showers was drawn for the Secret Garden.
Anairam of Fra-aing was drawn for the teeny tiny book.
Janice of Jabblog was drawn for the stamps and so was Dawn of Rattling On (I had two lots of stamps!)Lisa of Parallel Botany was drawn for Jackie
P.S.-The glove was on a beach on Guernsey. I liked its bright cheeriness and as I was blogging from the new computer picked it from my flickr photos.
Sunday, 27 September 2009
Shadow Shot Sunday and Green Tomatoes (sadly not fried)

My tomatoes are from plants bought at the local allotment open day, planted very late and mainly no good due to some kind of blight. I really am a very poor gardener. I like their interesting knobbly shapes though, so thought I would preserve them through photography.
The other photo, and poladroid of it, are of a group of things hanging in the kitchen. The moon and star is a present from a lovely friend, the mirror is from the charity shop, and the rusty metal grid is a piece of fence from school. When I did my termly risk assessment review for Forest School I noticed this hanging off the fence at reachable by small child height, so I wiggled it a bit and it came off. I know some people would have put it in the bin, but I also know that some wouldn't! Rust lovers of the world unite!
Visit Tracy at Hey Harriet for shadow shots galore!
Forest School,
furniture projects,
shadow shot Sunday
Saturday, 26 September 2009
I am also wondering how long this will stay blank. It is such a tempting expanse, just waiting to be filled with pictures and words-even I am tempted!
Friday, 25 September 2009
Shhh, it's a secret

The first couple of weeks back at work are always busy, but this year they were somehow worse due to the feeling I had of being given far more to do than I possibly could. The result of this was that I resigned a management post that I have held for a year and a half, feeling that having time was far more important than the extra money. I have been much happier since and have begun to feel the benefits a little in terms of time. All of this is obviously just a longwinded excuse for taking so long to accept my awards! They are lovely ones-
The Miss Watermelon Award and the You're An Awesome Girl Award.
I love the picture for the awesome girl one, and the sentiments-especially the art is everywhere one.
The Miss Watermelon one requires me to tell you six things I love and to pass it on to six people.
I love:-
stroking cats,
browsing in bookshops,
conversations with children,
windy weather,
putting on perfume in the morning.
I don't want to choose 6 people-I feel too indecisive today. I am very nosey though so I would love anyone to take the watermelon award and tell me six things you love, or, just to tell me a couple if you leave a comment! Thanks!
All of you who I know on here are awesome girls so any of you could take this award. Unless of course you are an awesome boy-and need a male version of the page.

I have also received an award from the lovely Anne and also failed to do anything about it! Thanks Anne!
For this award I have to reveal seven secrets about myself and nominate seven others to do the same.
As seen above, I am just not in a nominating mood. I would love to know some secrets though!
However, I am not able to reveal any secrets about myself I have realised, because they are, in fact, secrets! I started to write and I just couldn't do it. Anything I wrote would then no longer be a secret but would be on the internet, the least secret place in the world! I am not rejecting the award, I am just thinking as I write! So, thanks Anne, but I just can't do it! If anyone tells me a secret though, and clearly states, this is a secret, then I will keep it until told otherwise!
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
A Picture Of Things
I will do the draw on Saturday.
Monday, 21 September 2009
Monday Meanderings

This weekend I have had loads of art things going on. I am still doing my sketchbook.
I am making halloween things for the Halloween party at A Fanciful Twist. I am making a clown doll. I retrieved what I think is a very interesting and strange step ladder out of a skip up the road-which needs work. I have rearranged my shelves yet again and have been reading some very interesting arty books. I have no pictures of any of this. I also finally managed to download Poladroid-I realise it was my lack of know how that made it impossible before, but then somehow worked it out. I love it and the magical effect it has on my photos. I have got some of those to show you!
Also I realised that I have been blogging for a year today I think. 231 posts. I have loved blogging for this year and am so happy to have met so many wonderful people through doing so. I would like to have a give away to mark the anniversary. I have a number of things to include and am going to make a written list here-as again, I do not have photos. I will do a photo post of the things later in the week.
A COPY OF "THE SECRET GARDEN" from Barter Books on my holiday.
Not sure why I did the capitals-but I started and so carried on.
I will do a draw for each item separately so there will be four people pulled out of the hat.
I will do a proper post on this later. If you are interested then please leave a comment here or on the other post and I will enter your name in the hat!
Thursday, 17 September 2009
Flowery Shapes
The other picture is of mint flowers which Hana was looking at. I have never really noticed mint having a flower, let alone what they look like, so here they are.
Wednesday, 16 September 2009
The photo of the poor abandoned and still beautiful house, and the Charlie Chaplin silhouette are both in Woolwich, quite near to where I work. The other photos are from Greenwich. I took one of the buildings at Canary Wharf and it was just crying out to be cropped and made abstract. I want to make a mosaic of abstractly cropped sections of the photo but did not have time tonight!
The domed building is one end of the Greenwich foot tunnel. I have not been through there for years, but the last time I did you were allowed to ride your bike, and now you can't.
On a happy note, one of my favourite shops from the closed part of the market-The Old Bottle Shop, has moved to Trafalgar Road. When I spoke to the lady who owns it before it had to close, she was not at all sure about her future, so I was pleased to see it there and will visit soon.
I have just looked up Brontosaurus and found out it is by Sam Taylor Wood. There is music, he is a very bendy man, I don't think I watched all of it before! I think he is dancing to dance music which strangely goes with the classical music being played. Only watch it if you are not shocked by bendy naked men dancing!
Monday, 14 September 2009
Monday Evening
Saturday, 12 September 2009
Shadow Shot Sunday
The sunflowers at school are beautiful and this one is just perfect. Sun and blue skies are still here for the moment.
The cat is my latest impulse buy-from ebay-it came this morning-along with a lovely pink knitted bag from Dawn of 'Rattling On'-thanks Dawn! I also got a Tate Magazine-full of tantalizing art, and a Times Educational Supplement (unopened at the moment)
I love bundles of post like that, especially on a sunny Saturday morning.
Can you guess the size of the cat? It is only as long as my little finger. It is very sweet and can probably chase a tiny wooden mouse I have-if I ever find where that went. Sounds as if I live in chaos doesn't it? And to some extent-I do!
I hope your Sundays are sunny.
Visit Hey Harriet here for more shadowy shots.
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