Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Squash the Lighthouse!

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One of my friends told me last weekend, that another one of my friends. when wronged in a car, squashes the people who did it. I can't remember if I have seen him do this but it made me laugh. Robert-if you are reading it is you!


→lisa said...

Haha! This reminds me so much of Mark McKinney's character from the Canadian sketch show "The Kids in the Hall."


Unknown said...

Very clever and funny

Anonymous said...

Brilliant - I'm still laughing!! If only I could have squashed the numpties in charge of some roadworks yesterday - they resurfaced the whole way across a major juction, without putting out any diversion signs, so when I got there and couldn't turn across the junction I had to go a very long way round!!

BonnyBadger said...

this is clever!!!!! he he

Louise said...

I LOVE this..so simple but so brilliant. I also love the way you change your banner all the time. It reflects your world and I really like the images you choose. I need to change mine but am so indecisive I end up leaving it.

Relyn Lawson said...

I think this is a wonderful idea. I can't wait to travel somewhere and try it myself.

Anonymous said...

Too funny!