Today is
Comic Relief in the UK. It is a massive fund raising event started in 1985 by Richard Curtis to raise money to provide famine relief in Ethiopia. It has been going ever since, raising millions every year to help people here and abroad.
Red Nose Day is the more popular name, and there are red noses galore around today. I have watched most of the evening and it has done what it always does-sadden me so much that children are still starving and dying from fully preventable disease. Let alone the other problems that they highlight and help people with. What they are asking for is simple, money to help and I feel lucky that I can help in that way.

At school we raised money through paying to dress in red, having a cake sale, and making money boxes with the children to collect money at home if they can. I wore a teashirt with William Shakespeare sporting a red nose. Tragi-comedian that he was. I asked the children if they knew who this was. 'Mr Tumble' called a couple of kids very confidently.

Mr Tumble

I read about a brilliant idea for raising money over at
Rebecca's blog-where for every comment made, the blogger donates a certain amount, This was raising money for Japan. It was called de-lurker fund raising. I really don't imagine I have many lurkers, but if you are a lurker then please reveal yourself. If you are not a lurker please leave a comment anyway! For every comment on this post between now and next Friday I will donate £1 to the Red Cross for Japan, and £1 to Comic Relief.
I found
Sophie Munn's blog via a blog ramble tonight and I can't remember how I got there.
This post is so interesting and I then read lots more.

This is unrelated to anything but it has got red in it. It is our newly planted bedding plants-we were an afterthought, as Dennis, our premises manager, had ordered too many! I think ofsted will definitely be impressed, and probably not want to look at any data at all once they have been dazzled by these! (ofsted are at the school up the road this week and panic in the upper echelons is palpable! Being at the school up the road does not necessarily mean it is our turn next. If it is I will laugh at the laziness of ofsted inspectors, or maybe just be impressed at their ergonomical thinking) I am too tired to care so I don't! I did the pointless and time consuming job, plus some others so there!