These are the rest of the photos I took of my Dad's Bonsai trees. he has a whole tiny forest! Next time I visit I want to take some dolls to pose amongst the trees. I did try to grow one myself once, but I didn't really know what I was doing so it didn't really work. I would love to have one though. I was tackling the real garden today, after being inspired by some gardens we visited yesterday, as part of the open gardens scheme. I will share some photos tomorrow. The last place we visited was like my dream home. It was the studio and home of a sculptor, and was full of her work, and all sorts of collections of interesting things. It had a little roof garden overlooking a kind of log cabin house, and the house to which it had been gate house in the past. The garden part was entered through a small gate set into a larger one, and was walled. It was up a little out of the way lane called The Hermitage. All of the gardens were in the area near to Horniman Museum which is on top of a huge hill, so they all had amazing views.