Monday, 6 July 2009

Simple Things

On Wednesday Christina of Soul Aperture is appreciating the simple things that make her soul sing. She has invited others to join her and I thought it would be fun. Visit her to sign up if you think so too!

This is something simple I appreciated today-given to me by one of the afternoon children when she came to school. It is such a lovely colour.

7 comments: said...

I love catching up on your delightful space here Miss Sarah. OH, I soooo understand blogger's elbow ;)

Appreciating little things is so wonderful. Love that. Lots of love, V

Anonymous said...

That is a very beautiful flower!

Esther said...

Lovely flower. I like the idea of remembering the simple things that make life so much better.

Tracy said...

What a beautiful gift that rose... It's always a great thing to take a moment so celebrate the ordinary and extraordinary in life... I'll be taking part in The Simple Things tomorrow too. Happy Day, Sarah :o)

christina said...

what a beautiful rose. it's was a beautiful and simple gesture, but one i know you'll always remember.
see you wednesday.
; )

Unknown said...

So beautiful. The flower is a simple and beautiful.

Sonia ;)

Shell said...

A lovely flower. Simple things are always the best.
I also meant to tell you the cat Mrs. Norris from Harry Potter in named after Mrs. Norris from Mansfield Park.