Wednesday, 29 July 2009

Felt Face

I have had feltmaking things for ages-since last summer in fact but never seemed to find the time to make anything apart from a few felt balls. Today I decided it was time to have another go! I have a great book-Complete Feltmaking by Gillian Harris which is full of great projects to try and, more importantly, contains the basic techniques, clearly explained. I just made a few practice pieces today. I really enjoyed the process-it is quite physical really, rubbing, rolling, rinsing and squeezing. The rolling is the best part. You roll up the felt in a bamboo place mat then roll it back and forth. The piece of felt shrinks as it is rolled and you have to turn it to ensure even shrinkage. This is called 'fulling'.
I wanted to make a face so made a shape, trimmed it slightly and then needle felted the features on. Not sure what to do next but I quite like it!
This is Lily helping!


Anne said...

Hi, Sarah! Your felt face is very nice. I like the touch of green at the eyes. Really pops. Lily is beautiful! :-)

Unknown said...

You amaze me with all the things you are willing to try. Love it...I posted your award...

xoxox S

Candace said...

Sarah, again you entertain and delight with your intrepid nature. I love the felt face and the banner is just wonderful, too! Thanks for giving details and links for such fun things.

Lily seems like she has it under control! ;)
Take care!
Candace in Athens.

Lynne said...

Hi Sarah,
Im very impressed with your felt face, the detail is amazing.
I tried some feltmaking at a one day workshop and loved it. I used some of it for my ATCs. But I havent got round to making anymore, and I havent tried needle felting.
Its nice that Lily takes an interest.

Anonymous said...

Super face - the detail of the eyes is amazing!
Today's word for verification is kuppiato - a new kind of coffee perhaps?

Tracy said...

Beautiful face, Sarah...what a love of expression there--love her eyes! Felting is such fun...I've not done any in ages, and I've never done a face before! Your Lily is a great little helper--what a love! :o) Happy Days ((HUGS))

Anonymous said...

you've inspired me to make use of my stacks of felt!

Renee said...

Your lady is looking so pretty.


Anonymous said...

This is absolutley lovely! :)

love said...

How Fun. Nice colors on the felt faces. Where in the world would we all be without creativeness and expression?

Anonymous said...

That's really pretty, Sarah! Don't you just love it when you have some kitty help!