Tuesday 3 May 2016

Love is in the Air

The beautiful Wood Pigeons, who like to sit on the fence at the end of the garden, treated us to a display of what can be termed 'mating' yesterday. We were watching them touching beaks in a sweet way and then they were off. A few seconds later and they were walking along then flying off to a higher place. There is a number three pigeon who is trying to muscle in on the lovebirds, but he wasn't there yesterday. When I used to do Forest School, there was a nesting pair of these birds in one of the trees and we could see the babies when they hatched. I wonder where these two will nest?

We also have a squirrel visiting at the moment, as well as the foxes who pass this way at night. I never manage to get pictures of these animals as they are too quick. I do love having a garden. A little wildlife haven from the world.


jabblog said...

We do not own our gardens - they belong to the myriad creatures, seen and unseen, that inhabit them. I love having a garden, too - an endless source of delight (and work!)

I like wood pigeons even though they monopolise the bird feeders when the starlings leave them a space.

BonnyBadger said...

Hello! I'm back on the blogscene (Although I am using Wordpress right now). Nice to catch up on your blog....