Monday, 1 October 2012

Little Bear is Leaving

Number 11 is Liz! Little Bear is waiting for your address Liz and he will be off!


Linda Sue said...

LIZ! LUCKEEEEEE! Little bear , your maker is DEAF...I heard what you said way over here in the land of rain...Good luck to you little bear. My broken heart goes with you, (snif)
By the way, this is a ridiculous box waiting to go on it's merry way! Maybe tomorrow it will find it's way - on it's journey and hopefully it is not total nonsense...There will be mending involved, I'm afraid...

Tracy said...

Hooray for Little Bear! Congrats to Liz... How wonderful! Thanks for stopping by my place Sarah! Yes--we must meet up next time we're in London (that would be such fun!) and with any lucky that might even be next summer. We had 4 days just now, two of which mostly went for travel to-from. But we crammed a lot in a little time! Next time we need more time, and a plan! ;o) Happy Days ((HUGS))

Anonymous said...

Thanks Sarah! I have been on vacation and am just getting caught up on blogging. I am so excited to receive him!