My photo assignement for today involved me going out for a walk which was just what I needed. Below is a mosaic of twenty or so minutes of the walk. The park is beautiful now-just perfect leaf crunching weather. I saw where they were setting up tonight's fireworks on Blackheath-lots and lots of them. We are not going though-we are staying in with the scaredy cats.
I took my big camera so it was fun to record some of the park wildlife .
A magpie.
A grey squirrel enjoying his nut.

Nice shots, I love the squirrel. It sure looks chilly at your place.
It's so fun to see the similarities and the differences between the creatures of our homes. Your magpies and crows look the same. The jay is very different from Linda Sue's blue jay. Your squirrels have white chests. ours don't but I think all squirrels love nuts. GREAT PHOTOS. You are putting that lens to very good use. The dog has a great smile.
Nice photos and what a lovely dog!
Just reading the frog story... your neighbours sound fascinating! I live near a park and woodland, great for getting out for fresh air.
Also loving your picture with pearl buttons.
Staying in with your scaredy cats was a nice thing to do for them. Our silly cat went outside on Halloween while the fireworks were on but quickly changed her mind to come inside and greet the trick or treaters from a chair by the door!
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