Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Sadie Paintings

Lovely Sadie. I was talking to my Dad the other night and said I had been thinking of trying to paint her. Here are my attempts tonight.


Sarah said...

She is my Dad's dog. Cute isn't she?

Carole Reid said...

The first one captured her smiling! Cute pie!

Unknown said...

Love the smiley face on the first one. She looks like a real sweetie.

Gorgeous header...

Rattling On said...

She is gorgeous! My daughter's middle name is Sadie, suits them both.
Your paintings are fab, and animals are so difficult to capture but you did it. I hope you're going to frame one of these for your Dad.

Sophie Munns said...

well done...
I cannot even begin to paint animals!

Lovely to hear from you recently...I had a wonderful time in your fair land!

elizabeth said...

What a charming pup!
and what lovely pictures.
Re all the little shoes in the hall. They didn't come to my house (I'm retired!) they all went to visit the apartment of the little boy who lives down the hall.
Apparently all the children visit ALL the homes....I asked if that was difficult for the less prosperous children since this is a city school with an amazingly diverse intake. Apparently they take this in stride.
I taught in Peckham in the 70's.
Hope all is well with you.
The cat header is lovely.

Tracy said...

VERY great, Sarah! The second painting really captures the some serious Sadie sweetness. ;o) She is just too cute! A real snuggler...aaawww... Happy Day ((HUGS))

rebecca said...

dreamy in every way~

Anonymous said...

Lovely pictures of the cutest of pups!!

Lynne said...

Wow, it's looking good. Hope we see the finished result. She does look sweet.

Shell said...

Love these watercolor paintings of Sadie!!