Some people have so much fun doing their work. I cannot imagine that the man operating this digger is not enjoying it! I really would love a go. As I watched, the digger encountered what looked like half a building ten feet down. Amazing to think what has been under our feet all these years.
It is hard to see in this photo, but this is a very big hole in the ground.
It is basically a hole where there used to be a hill.
Looking down into the hole again, and across to the tree chipper machine.
Explanation of my visit at the end of the post.
I have done something strange to my school camera settings so this is very poor quality-but viewable small. This is what is happening the other side of the fence. I was most upset today to hear the sound of a chain saw-which you can hear in this video. C. works in the nursery and is married to the premises manager, so she went to find out what was happening-as I thought no trees would be destroyed. She came back and got me and S.-a boy absolutely fascinated with the diggers, to go for a visit. I found out that they had to cut the tree down as it was within 3 metres of the building. They are going to save me some lovely big pieces of tree. So, a happy ending to my mini drama!
Destruction, construction- so it goes- I don't know how you can tolerate the noise...and the screaming earth!
I would love to have a go with a digger!! It is sad when a tree has to be felled for building work - but it's not so bad if it's getting recycled/used, rather than just thrown on a fire in the building site.
Your part of the world has such history. I imagine almost any time dirt is moved something ancient is uncovered. People who drive big equipment do seem to be playing with large sandbox toys.
There is a business just off the highway call "Big Boys Toys" that sells diggers etc. I don't know how you can stand the noise!!! I hope the hole's dug soon.
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