A 'wet weekend' is defined as 'a very boring or disappointing experience or person' by
this online dictionary. I don't know about that, but it is not the best occasion for washing all the Forest School clothes-this lot just had to stay out on the line until today when they were almost dry. Three loads later of washing, hanging, turning inside out and back again, folding and putting in bags, they are done, and going back to school tomorrow. This week should be about enjoying the company of the children for a last few days before they go off to next year, but it becomes about frantically trying to get eveything finished! Oh well, I shall enjoy the days anyway.

The wet weather is perfect for the garden and it looked very lush this weekend. I have planted my first experimental lemon thymes-I will see how they go before I get more. The fennel is amazing-and every time I look at it I think of the lovely word 'umbelliferous' (not sure if that is the correct spelling)

The sun came out briefly, and caught this terracotta flower. This pot has one weed in it(and not even a very nice weed)-it is a wall hanging pot and used to have something better than that-I must replant it!

Another view of the fennel.

Behind it is a pot of cerinthe seedlings which I have dug out of the proposed path. I have laid the dried plants around the garden as I really like these flowers and they seem to self seed easily. I also scattered allium seeds around everywhere in the hope they would do the same.

I have grown Verbena Bonariensis from seed before and it is quite easy to do so. I bought these plants from Great Dixter and they have done really well. Even the one that looked dead for ages has recovered and grown huge. The flowers last for ages and at the moment they are gradually dropping, so scattering little purple flower heads all over the dark earth which looks very pretty. The chamomile is doing so well and has spread to fill all but one tiny gap. It is very thick and springy. I need to look up how to care for it in the winter. I took some verbena and some chamomile cuttings the other day-I am a bit hit and miss with cuttings-I don't always remember to look after them.

An arrangement of little bits and pieces that looked good after the rain. It really brought the colour our on the piece of wood.