Thursday, 7 June 2012

I wish...

That housework was this tiny.

That pandas were still this easy to visit!


Relyn Lawson said...

I love this whimsical post. You've made me smile. A lot.

Jenny Woolf said...

Oh so cute and quaint.

A.Smith said...

In a two story home a vacuum that size would be dream :)

And so would be the housework!

Carole Reid said...

Me too!

Linda Sue said...

tiny housekeeping, yes...But if you were small enough to live in The Queen's doll house there would be so much upkeep! Rooms and Rooms!

Queenie Believe said...

I totally and absolutely agree!
Have a great day.
Always, Queenie

Tracy said...

Ah... me as well... and especially the cleaning bit! ;o) I just finished some cleaning now and having a cuppa... foo.. Happy weekend, Sarah ((HUGS))

Shell said...

I agree. If I could only have my laundry so would be heavenly.