He has one blue and one red eye. This has no great significance-it is just that is all I had left! I have ordered some more eyes now as it is good to have them when the mood takes me!
I used one of Kim Klassen's lovely textures on the photos.
I hope if you are in the path of Irene that you are safe and secure and it doesn't turn out to be as bad as predicted. It looks pretty scary but at least precautions are being taken.
Whoa, great work! I am really digging his heterochromia and blue (gray?) eyebrows. I'd be snooty if I looked that cool, too.
I suppose we're ready for Irene. We have food and water and whatnot. Our part of Manhattan is more elevated and doesn't have very tall buildings, so I think we'll be ok, although I am sort of expecting power cuts.
Oh GAWD! This head is fabulous! I love the two colours of eyes, as well! AWESOME Sarah- I want you talent and gift for making objects of total charmdom ( that is a word i just made up but it suits, don't you think?)I just received some roving from a couple of ETSY shops- they are DELICIOUS! wish you could come over and inspire me...use some of this wool- we could poke together and bleed and laugh!
I think this is one of my favourite things you've mede (the fox and dog are also up there). His haughtiness adds a little something...
He looks like a 'creative' to me, an actor or an art expert - no, I thin. a stage actor - think Ralph Richardson;-) Could be a poet or a writer, though>
Wow that is amazing, you really are so clever!
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