Little felty legs...
A magically smooth stone from the fairy filled island of Skye...
A glowing candle...
Who can it be?

I am priviledged by a visit from a member of the Daoine Sidhe, who are trooping fairies-hence the long legs. Nata is her name, which means 'dancer'. She has a strange sense of rhythm which is not quite like mine-but maybe she thinks the same thing!

She has a wire frame, which makes her very springy somehow. She was started on Skye, and finished in London, so she is able to live in either environment.

Fairy lights and stars appear magically whenever she is around. She is confident in her magical skills.

She has danced off now. Tomorrow I will introduce her friend 'The Head', who is on the shelf at the moment contemplating life and being quiet. He is the complete opposite of Nata really!
What a wonderful visitor! Plenty of magic around your place, Talon. Friendly spirits and mystery abound!
(sorry the first comment had a really bad typo)
So charming!
love from Hurricane land!
Wonderful! You have taken felting one step further!
She is dreamy! I LOVE her! She looks as though she could leap over buildings in a single bound!
Nata looks so elegant - a dancer:-)
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