We came back to find that the squash has turned into a monster! It is right across the chamonile and almost into the honeysuckle. It has loads of blossoms and a couple of baby squash already showing. Amazing what can come from one tiny seed.

Below is a drawing to show the various plants. The bag of compost is gradually being used up. The tree stump has loads of sprouts which look really good against the fence. The path is what I need to decide about next. Not sure what to do with it. Any ideas?

The red sunflowers are lovely. Especially with the sun shining through them. They have loads of flowers on and more still to come.

I have been doing lots of felting and making myself laugh at what appears! I will show you tomorrow-after I get back from Rye. My friend and I are going for our summer holiday browse around the junk shops, though I am determined not to come back with anything too big! Last year it was a ladder, formerly used for apple picking. It stood in the little gap between bathroom and sitting room for most of the year-coming out at Christmas to be decorated as an alternative
tree. Recently though I have put it to use as a bookshelf next to the bed and it works well.
This week has flown by. Time always does that towards the end of the holidays! Oh well.
I did do a bit of work today as I suddenly had a feeling of panic. It soon went though as I think I have done enough really and need to get back into the place now before I do much more!
I can't say this is an original idea, but flat stones would make a nice path. Your garden is beautiful, and the squash looks quite at home atop the chamomile!
Thanks Dimple!
Wonderful garden photos! Can't wait to see your felting projects!
Your squash is most impressive! I love the red sunflowers - I've never seen those before. The only sunflowers we have are the ones 'planted' by the birds.
With all the things you find you could make some stepping stones as a path. We keep meaning to make some with pebbles.
Thank you for signing the petition for the feral cats of Ireland:-)
The garden is looking wonderful Sarah.
Thanks for your lovely comment. :-)
That's squash for you... it can bolt---LOL! But thankfully it's only for the summer, right? ;o) That chamomile lawn looks so lovely. for your path I might suggest some brick in laid in a pretty pattern (herringbone for example, a bit fussy, but worth it?) as the warm tones of the bricks would pick up nicely the hues of that fencing you have there. If possible, a turn/bend in a path always more charming. Easier said than done, right? You know me--too many ideas. ;o) Just love seeing your little plot growing so beautifully this summer--you've done so well with interest & variety in your garden, Sarah. Happy Weekend ((HUGS))
Impressive garden I must say Sarah... lush... the lawn is a treat!
And the holiday sounded wonderful... I'm a month away from my UK trip and so excited about visiting London ...will I discover the old places i sued to go etc!
I am on the lookout for good tips of where to go ,,,must come back and trawl your blog... !
All that work in your garden is really paying off. The red sunflowers are super! I've never seen such flowers. I'll have to see if I can find some of their seeds next spring.
As for the path, I'd say put down some sand and then some flat stones. It worked well for us. The creeping plants and moss have filled in the cracks and made it look very "rustic."
Those sunflowers are beautiful, the rest of the garden is looking good as well. We have herringbone brick paths in a couple of places and I like the way moss has grown between the bricks. Pebbles are good as well.
Last week of the hols is looming, very depressing!!
It looks gorgeous! I am still after all these years amazed at what a little seed can do. A couple of months ago I was digging in one of the pots and found a half cracked hazelnut. It had a bit of green in the center which at first I thought it could be mold. But I put it in a tiny thing of a pot thinking "who knows?".
Certainly not me as it is right now about 10-inch high and in need to be transplanted. A hazelnut tree!
In our paths we use what we call here pea gravel. We put some barriers around the borders made of heavy recycled plastic from a gardeners supply place and then spread the gravel almost to the height of the barriers. It is safe to walk in winter - Oregon is nothing but rain as you know during the best part of the year so this is important for one's own safety as well as helping with the drainage. It is easier to keep clean and it looks gorgeous when wet, tiny smooth pebbles of many colors. Whatever you chose it would do nothing but to make your beautiful garden even more beautiful and safe for you to work in it.
Hugs from here and enjoy what is left of the Summer. ( And I hope that for a change this comment find its way to your blog!)
Your garden looks so good! Squash is one of my favorite veggies!
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