Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Squashes, Builders and Buds

My mystery plant is getting bigger in a very Jack and the Beanstalk way-going along rather than up though. I think it is a Buttercup Squash after reading this post on this lovely blog this morning. I did have one of these squashes last year so it could be. I love the intricacy of this sunflower bud. These are beautiful flowers, a deep red colour that looks lovely with the sun shining through it as it is today. I have the garish combination of red, purple and bright orange in this little area at the moment-quite fun!

I am off to lunch with some fellow teachers in a minute-it is really hot again today so we are having a barbecue I think-though thunder is forecast for later! Tomorrow I am off to Yorkshire on a trip to pick up a naughty ebay purchase-more on that later. As I sit here I can see the legs of burly builders as they re-roof the school at the back of where we live. I have been practising being a spy taking photos of the works and also trying to draw them-with quite amusing results which I will show you another day! When life hands you lemons draw builders-or some such nonsense!
Each morning(of my peaceful summer holiday!)starts with them bashing the existing tiles off the roof, throwing them into a wheel barrow, and then tipping them down the rubbish shoot. It seems a terrible waste of what look like perfectly good tiles, but I suppose it saves them a lot of time. I also get the feeling that they really enjoy this part of the job.


Tracy said...

Squash... yes, I thought so too. Growing squash is so easy, and fun. You'll have delicious results soon! Curious about that "naughty" eBay purchase... LOL! Happy Day, Sarah ((HUGS))

Jenny Woolf said...

I am often tempted to salvage things thrown away by builders !

rebecca said...

enjoy you taste of summer day.
looking forward to secrets revealed.


Abhijit said...

Nice blog..Trees are dumb but wonderful friend.

Sarah said...

Thistles in Greenwich Park Kat!

Leenie said...

Just watch out of some morning you find that vine growing up into the clouds!

I'd guess your new zoom lens will help you get a good look at those burly builder legs. Have a great time in Yorkshire!

Lynne said...

It's funny, but I read 'intimacy of this sunflower bud' and thought it an odd term, but interesting. It's only now I've come back to this post and reread it I've realised my mistake.
Your trip to Yorkshire sounds interesting, with more goodness to follow.

Sarah said...

I think I prefer 'intimacy of a bud' to 'intricacy' actually! It seems to suit it as well as I suppose it is an intimate view.