Thursday, 16 June 2011


Here is the fox in the header at the moment. He appears everyday at about 4 o'clock, stands in the playground, then walks across and through a little hole in the fence. Down to the side of the fence is a tangle of shrubs and trees, and the foxes live in there. One family that is. I think there are two more on the site, one up near the carpark and one on the hill at the top of the school where there is quite a big hole. Foxes are really common here-though I still love seeing them. A lot of people don't like them, and they do cause problems with rubbish being strewn everywhere, and on occassion have attacked people-children in fact-by going into people's gardens or houses.
We once had one in our kitchen at our last place-he had come up the back stairs, and the cats were staring into the room which is what alerted me. He was hiding under the table, and just slunk away when I went in the room. Often you see ones that are very undernourished or ill looking. This one is a healthy looking fox though, and not scared of people. He walked across the playground towards where I was, behind the door, looked straight at me, and opened and closed his mouth in a very deliberate way. I wonder what it meant.


ArtSparker said...

Had you seen him before? Cats will yawn in greeting.

When I think of little London back gardens, I think of tiny garden sheds- and foxes.

Serenata said...

I've opened our front door to find a fox before, and also seen one crossing our garden, but not in a while now.

Leenie said...

I had no idea those little varmints lived so well in a city. They seem to be very clever at adapting so I'm not surprised. He's handsome, although I can see he'd be a problem if he gets too bold and decides to help himself to pets and poultry.

A.Smith said...

They are quite beautiful and indeed the "yawning" something means a form of greeting among their pack. I agree that it may be disconcerting to find one inside the kitchen but I think of all species as needed to keep an ecological balance, so I would just get my broom, open the door and gently usher the fox out.

We are after all the ones who took away their native territory...sigh.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it strange that you get to see foxes in the city, but we very rarely see them here in the country!

Rattling On said...

Oh, lucky you! I think it's fantastic and would love them at our school! (Maybe people should pack away their rubbish better if they are worried?)Like Anne, we don't see them much here in the countryside...
I love the resin grapes, they have turned out beautifully.

Sarah said...

It is interesting to read that foxes are not so common in the country. I suppose the cities are where the food is nowadays. I can look out of the window at night and be almost guaranteed to see one walking past. They are around a lot in the day too now.

Linda Sue said...

What a beauty! Great shot of him, too. Foxes are so sweet looking- up here we get coyotes, sometimes they look healthy but mostly they look ragged, mangy and so wild. One pulled my friend's kitty right out of the kitty door , trotted of with her- the end.

Shell said...

The fox is adorable. I love to see one in person. Seeing one in my kitchen..would have freaked me out.
Where I live, I only get to see rabbits, groundhogs, raccoon, geese and a whole host of birds. Though it is cool when I see my namesakes, Swans, gliding in my local river.

jabblog said...

I like foxes, too, and am always thrilled to see them. They come into our garden and catch any rats that are foolish enough to come in.

Arija said...

A very handsome animal. Here they are imported vermin and decimate sheep flocks, break into chicken-coops and once even stole a pair of my husband's leather boot. One we found by the back gate, he obviously could not get it under the gate, the other we never saw again.

Paula said...

He's absolutely gorgeous! I agree with the "yawning" in greeting. He probably see's you everyday at 4 as well and counts you as friend.

Anonymous said...

He's gorgeous! We live out in the country and have them. One slept in our mulch bed a few summers ago. Bryan would arrive home at 6 am and he'd see Bryan's car and move off into the woods. I finally got to see it one night and was amazed at how small they are. I guess in my mind I had pictured them differently.

Lynne said...

Lovely photos of the fox Sarah. I would like to get close enough to one to take a decent photo. There is a young fox that watches me and the hounds on their nightime walk. I think he's curious about the hounds.

BonnyBadger said...

LOVE the fox pictures - they are so tame now aren't they??

Karla said...

How handsome he is!! I would be stocked to find a fox near my house!