Saturday, 31 October 2009
Friday, 30 October 2009
This is a tree full of Jackdaws in Corbridge in Northumberland. I love the noise they make, so unlike crows, so like monkeys. They were roosting, thinking it was getting dark I presume-it was very overcast. Corbridge is really pretty. We went into a craft and book shop for a browse and then into a cafe called Tea And Tipple (I think) for a drink. I had a latte and delicious coffee and walnut cake. The cafe had a lovely old map of England and Wales on the wall that frustratingly cut off Scotland. It had all the ferry distances to various destinations around Britain.
We were still a very long way from home but the map did not magically show our distance to there.
Thursday, 29 October 2009
Satnav Envy
Friday, 23 October 2009
A Mad Hatter's Tea Party!!!!

Weekword - Browse
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
Monday, 19 October 2009
Birthday Post

Friday, 16 October 2009
A Halloween Dream
Today is the day of the Halloween party at A Fanciful Twist! Please come in and enjoy a little entertainment before you fly off on your visits! Oh! You caught me just putting the finishing touches to the party post!
Pumpkin girl welcomes you to our branch of this most magical party! She hopes you enjoyedthe story of the Gypsy Girl and her dream in our little film. If you must fly away too soon we hope you will visit again to watch her story!
Minerva the financial witch has come to give you her best advice should you want it. She loved last year's party and could not resist a flying visit this year.
I put on my best witchy shoes and socks. It is hard work sometimes pretending to be a teacher when really you are a witch. I sometimes think the children suspect. Especially when the pumpkin time of year approaches.
Please help yourself to a fiendish fancy and some magic wine. Not too much now-it is very potent and only a sip can lead to all sorts of things...
Yes-just a little magic wine and you can meet my friend....
He has flowers for you...
..and would love to take a turn in the garden with you before you have to fly off. Thank you for visiting-see you soon at the next party place!
Thursday, 15 October 2009
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
Monday, 12 October 2009
Parakeets, Balloons and Halloween Excitement!