Friday 1 May 2009

Happy May Day!

When I came home from work yesterday I did not feel in the best of moods-I felt as if I could no longer do all the things I am expected to do and that I didn't want to anyway and why should I? blah, blah, blah! I felt a bit like this doodly drawing (on a too good to throw away piece of packaging from this week) Then I opened the back door to have a look at the garden which always cheers me up (despite the neglected mess it is at the moment). I noticed the tree has suddenly got more than just a few leaves and then I heard the little bird singing so beautifully in its branches. Then I noticed the moon just by the tree. I started to feel a little less sorry for myself.I think the bird is a robin. When I heard it I thought it was a blue tit but then looking at the photo it looks more robin like. I hope the photo will enlarge so I can check!

Then Andy came home and told me that these two were on BBC4 at 10! Something to look forward to! They did not disappoint! Then at school today there were some of these bouncing around being merry (children!) They always cheer me up.So now I feel more like doodle number two!

Hope things are looking good wherever you are. Happy May Day!


Janine said...

Lol! Sarah love your doodles! Happy you feel better!

Shell said...

Glad your feeling better. The sad one looked really mean. The smiling one at the end made me feel happy for you.

●• Thereza said...

well, flight of the conchords can make anyone feel better, although i'm still more of a mighty boosh freak :)
glad you're feeling happier now!

Anonymous said...

So glad you are out of your "funky" mood. I know how it is! Things are lovely here in California, as well. Have a smashing weekend!

Candace said...

So glad that the Conchords and those kids could help you out. Aren't those lads fun? They never fail!

The doodles are great and another show of your talent. I hope you keep the first one to remind you that you'll have days like that but keep that second one to remind you that you can whistle those days down!
Have a fantastic weekend!
Candace x

Sarah said...

Thanks everyone!

Anonymous said...

Sorry that you were having a rough day. I love your doodles! I hope you are having a better day today!

A.Smith said...

And to you dear! Thank you so much for your very comforting words and wishes for a happy Anniversary. It was, happy and actually sunny if you can believe that! Thank you again, and I do love how you change moods and are in touch with yourself and what it matters. Have a great weekend and a glorious first week of May. said...

Happy May Day!! That lovely bird, came just for you!!! I have been taking videos of birds in trees toooo!! They always cheer me up!

That girl on that package is hilarious!! perfect for annoying days!! ;) ;) xoxo

Sarah said...

Thanks Liz, Alegra and Vanessa!