I like this page in my journal. It is the combination of watching a video about painting clouds, finding postcard of Dungeness Lighthouse, and saving a pretty label from a bottle of wine. The label once soaked had a sticky back, so I only needed to cut out the fish and stick it in. I blew the wet paint in the big cloud and it looks like seaweed so the fish can hide in that.

The video I watched was by Natasha Newton. She is a Brtish artist that I like to watch from time to time as she is soothing and has good ideas. I found her when I was googling seaglass. She goes out and about as well as making art videos. The clouds are inspired by her and the other stuff is me!
I have reposted the two above photos as they are too tiny to see and I wanted them to sit next to each other like the journal pages.
Here is a cloud quote I like from the book I am reading, 'The Go Between' by L.P.Hartley.
Here is a cloud quote I like from the book I am reading, 'The Go Between' by L.P.Hartley.
The protagonist, Leo, is disturbed by an assymetrical spire in the landscape, which he notices during a cricket match.
"But soon my eye, following the distressful spire into the heavens, rested upon an enormous cloud that hung there, and tried to penetrate its depths. A creation of the heat, it was like no cloud I had ever seen. It was pure white on top, rounded and thick and lustrous as a snow-drift; below, the white was flushed with pink, and still further below, in the very heart of the cloud, the pink deepened to purple."