Sunday 4 October 2015

Crochet, Buses and Faces

September has gone in a flash and now it is the month of my birthday when I am going to be fifty. How did that happen?! I genuinely can't believe I am that old but that old I am. Luckily the children at school keep me young or something like that. I am enjoying my six week stint as a long term teacher. The children are lovely and the staff I work with are great too. Our work this term has been based on a book called 'The Naughty Bus' which is a great photo story book about a bus given as a present to a small child, and its adventures. Added to that I have been crocheting various small things, trying to make Christmas cards, possibly for a craft fair in November (slow progress though) and painting faces. Today I helped Andy to set up his new work computer on the internet, and added our printer to it. Yesterday I set up said printer,  as our other one gave up working last week. I have also gone through the process of setting up a Tivo box (the cable tv box) and new router which, although meant to be easy,  wasn't. I am some kind of technological genius at the moment. I have also been getting to grips with the new iPad assessment system at work. Will it never end?!
 Back to more simple things... a rose, and two hedgehog friends made from tinsel wool, my new yarn obsession. I might make some of these for the craft fair.
 Below, the hedgehogs have formed a stunt team.
  A fluffy giant snowman has moved into the village of Little Hoarding. He is happy there.
 This little creature came about as I was trying out the yarn for her hair. I made a little circle and it looked like hair, so I had to make a person to go with it. The hoop is made out of curved metal beads which make a good circle.
 This little doll now has a shiny new skirt. 
 This is a hedgehog I made for my friend's birthday. He has been named Hartley. 
 And onto the naughty bus. I have been having lots of fun setting up small world scenarios from the story.

 I had less fun making ten large laminated buses to use for maths. I got the bus line drawing online, then proceeded  to colour them all in with various media. Then I decided that they did not look defined enough so outlined them all in black felt tip. Then I drew the numbers and the characters. Bus number one was a doddle, only the driver on there. By bus number ten I was a bit tired of drawing all of them over and over again! I like the results though so it was worth the time.


 This one represents my morning on that day. There was a frog on the steps that Lily jumped straight over without seeing. She was more bothered by the large honking geese that flew overhead.


snoopydogknits said...

Fab post! Love it all, but especially the Naughty Bus small world scenarios. There's so much you can do with that great book. So glad you are enjoying your six week stint. Teaching in the right place is good!!!! x

Steve Reed said...

Those hedgehogs are adorable. I wish we'd see a real hedgehog one of these days -- though not likely in our garden, with Olga around. :/

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