Friday, 9 May 2014

Five Little Peas in a Pea Pod Pressed

We have been growing beans, writing and drawing a bean diary, making a large bean stalk, drawing character portraits, and have started to make a boot for the giant who lost one when he was chasing Jack down the beanstalk. I remembered this little rhyme, and found a good version on you tube. I also made a quick pea pod. I need to crochet the peas really but there wasn't time for that so I had to make pom poms. I need to take the kids some peas next week so they can see and eat the real things as they may not have a clue what I am talking about!

 PVA glue for the eyes and mouth. Seems to work pretty well. 
 Pressed, squashed, squeezed and squished!


Lynne said...

I've just been catching up with you. Love the peas in a pod. Looks as though you will have plenty of crochet to keep you busy until Christmas. Great how your cat baskets are such a success.

snoopydogknits said...

Brilliant!!! How cute is this! You're certainly NOT a lazy teacher!!!!!!! :-) Have a good week. Ros