The rise of the machines....or the flattening of the area where nursery used to be. You can see how hot and perfect today was-which in a way is a shame, as I spent most of it clearing and cleaning at school, getting covered in dirt and sweaty. It was quite difficult really as there were skips, and a hall full of discarded unwanted stuff. In the morning I swore I would not succome to my usual need to save stuff and re-use it, but I failed. Two xylophones-the wooden pieces were so beautiful and I think they can be fixed, the portolios I collected as art coordinator years ago, old ILEA (Inner London Education Authority) plans-not investigated yet but they look promising, a large wooden board, a ceramic cooking pot, numerous tools and glue guns-I just couldn't let this stuff be thrown away! At one point me and my headteacher were skip diving together! He actually used the words 'it's criminal'-I think that was when I found a perfectly ok calculator, and he found a chess board and how to play chess book! Andy, one of the premises managers was also saving stuff-the metal objects which of course we can sell. I have got the clay bin which I love and has been unused for years-a grey, lidded metal box-what I will do with it I don't know! The school is moving house in October so today was the big clearout. The shelves with the labels are in the old art room, and represent the hours of work that went into organising it and keeping it organised. The second picture is the view from the art room windows, through the pretty lace curtains I have never noticed before. Bye bye art room!
I am pleased that we went in today though, as it gave me chance to say goodbye to people properly and to get my presents for colleagues sorted out. But I am glad it is the holidays at last!
I would have been too busy watching the machines to go skip diving! Glad you managed to salvage so much - it does make me cross when perfectly good stuff is simply thrown out instead of being re-used.
Lots of hard work! Enjoy your holiday.
Have a great day.
Always, Queenie
I can't bear to see perfectly good things thrown away, always find myself gathering them up to take them to the charity shop!
Enjoy your summer hols.
dear sarah,
salvaging anything lifts one so, following through on a new vision, a better "fit" and knowing that even things can stay to serve again and again.
enjoy your vacation dear friend....you will be in the saddle soon enough! i await new children and fantastic art projects from you fondly all the way across the sea.
Dumpster diving here is pretty much illegal but ...it is ridiculous what is tossed! I am so pleased that you have saved good things from a landfill. I would have done the same, maybe more so...can't bear to see the possibles go to the dump! YAY you!
Oh, and have a great holiday!
Thanks all!
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