I read
'White Crow' by Marcus
Sedgewick yesterday, by the fire, in the dark evening. It is gripping and unusual and I loved it!

On the way to meet my friend on Friday, I read 'Crow' by
Frances Horovitz. Beautiful.
Crowhieroglyph between hillsinheritor of high treessudden wreckage of silencecry alien among birdsragged wing flapstartling the calm airdeceitful dallianceblack spy in the landguardian on post and wallwatchful each in his own fieldin beady surveillancecottage and dark wood
I have two other dark, but funny things to share. The first is this quote from eBay-I was in the vintage book section of eBay, idly browsing, when I came across this book-
Vintage 1948 Spiritualism book called "Voices of the Passed" by Major J.H. Webster.
'The book is in good condition, although cover seems to have a few tiny pain splashes on it.'
I thought that splashes of pain were most appropriate for a book all about summoning the dead!
The second is a joke I heard on the radio on the way home. it was on a programme about numbers, and the final part was the guests talking about their favourite number. The one I liked was this-
'664, the neighbour of the beast'.P.S. Look-white crows!